The Hamilton Spectator

HILLARY, Reginald Francis


Died by mistake on December 4, 2018 at the age of 98 - was supposed to be 120! He is survived by one son, Clive and his wife Anne. He has two granddaugh­ters, Lisa and Lucy who each have two children. His surviving family lives in the U.K. Three wives Mary, Muriel and Shirley predecease­d Reg. Former:

Lover of Life

Aeronautic­al Engineer Electronic Engineer

President of the Canadian Fence Industry Associatio­n Governor of the Internatio­nal Fence Industry Associatio­n President of R. F. Hillary & Co. Ltd. England and Canada Canadian Race Car Champion C.12 Internatio­nal Rally Driver, winner of Shell 4000

Speedway Rider, England Master Mason - Mason for 60 years Bronze Medalist, Internatio­nal Ballroom Dancing

Achieved Yellow Belt in Judo

At one time, considered to be one of Canada’s top Toastmaste­rs Toastmaste­r for over 30 yearsspeak­er, mentor

Heaven will never be the same! Gathering: Corbett Funeral Home,

95 Dundas St. N., Cambridge, ON. Wednesday, December 12th. Gathering after 12 noon - speaking begins at 1 p.m.

I encourage you to bring a story to share - verbally or on paper for someone else to read. I hope this will be a sharing experience with lots of laughter.

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