The Hamilton Spectator

From Sweden nearly 36 years ago


In 1994, Bob Hamman wrote his autobiogra­phy with Brent Manley. Called “At the Table” (DBM Publicatio­ns), it contains several deals from the 176-board final of the 1983 Bermuda Bowl world team championsh­ip in Stockholm. I was there, and it was one of the most exciting matches ever. A large audience watched the action on a screen, with a team of commentato­rs led by Edgar Kaplan. Most spectators supported Italy, represente­d by Giorgio Belladonna-Benito Garozzo, Dano De Falco-Arturo Franco and Lorenzo LauriaCarl­o Mosca. The American team was Michael BeckerRonn­ie Rubin, Bob HammanBobb­y Wolff and Alan SontagPete­r Weichsel.

This was Board 66. First, let's look at the Open Room. East's opening bid was limited to 16 points, hence West's aggressive bidding. South's two-no-trump advance was for takeout and suggested limited values. However, if Franco (South) had passed out three no-trump, that contract would have made easily. Still, he played five clubs beautifull­y.

Franco won the spade lead in his hand and ducked a diamond to East's jack. Declarer won the next trick with dummy's spade ace, ruffed a diamond, played a club to the ace, ruffed another diamond (bringing down the ace), cashed his heart king, crossed to the heart ace, discarded a heart on the diamond king and, with three trumps and one heart in each hand, exited with a trump to West's queen. West had to return a spade or a diamond, permitting Franco to ruff on the board and sluff his last heart, or vice versa. Italy plus 600.

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