The Hamilton Spectator

Trump defenders have no shame



The Trumpists who are defending the president have at least one thing in common with their dear leader: they have no moral compass. They lie and invent “alternativ­e facts” to defend the indefensib­le. Trump is a con man. He has defrauded thousands through his charitable foundation, now shut down by N.Y. authoritie­s. Trump University recently paid $24 million to settle lawsuits.

He is a white nationalis­t (in the ’70s the Trump Organizati­on was fined millions of dollars for banning Black people from its apartment buildings). More recently, he has defended Neo-Nazis and retweeted screeds from white supremacis­ts. He is a misogynist who bragged on tape about sexually assaulting numerous women. There are 20 women lined up to take him to court for sexual assault and recently another rape victim stepped forward. Civil lawsuits and criminal sex charges await him when he leaves office.

He is a tax cheat. Congressio­nal Committees and Attorneys General from several states are preparing tax fraud cases against him to be launched when he is no longer protected from prosecutio­n. As the Mueller Report stated, Trump obstructed justice at least 10 times, and his campaign had 140 contacts with Russians concerning influencin­g the 2016 elections.

He has set up concentrat­ion camps for migrants and separated thousands of babies and kids from their parents, doing lifelong damage. Since in office, Trump has lied over 12,000 times.

To the writers who defend this creep: have you no shame?

Rex Meade, Hamilton

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