The Hamilton Spectator


- JACQUELINE BIGAR www.jacqueline­


This year, you move to create a greater sense of connection between yourself and others. You encourage a new beginning. Helping others to act in harmony might seem impossible to many people, but you see it as a potential outcome. If single, you might mix dating with getting to know a friend. As a result, people might be confused as to your intent. Be as clear as possible. If attached, your significan­t other finds you unusually attractive and pulls in closer. Your relationsh­ip bonds on an even deeper level. A fellow Virgo echoes your thoughts.


If you are not the source of unusual excitement in this present cycle, others are. You note an element of unpredicta­bility in others that could force you to adjust your schedule. Tonight: Share a vision with a loved one.


You can be an incredible source of ideas and creativity. You might opt to push a heartfelt project or idea to your highest priority. Be willing to brainstorm about this topic and get feedback. Tonight: A friend could prove to be flakey.


Your personal and domestic life absorbs your attention. You have an opportunit­y for a new beginning in that area. For some of you, this new beginning could be emotional, whereas others might be eyeing a change in their homes. Tonight: Express your desires.


You might opt to no longer put up with a car that barely moves, an old computer and/or a cellphone that needs updating. You want to renovate your communicat­ions and the method in which you deliver them. Tonight: Work off any volatile energy.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

You could be at your wits' end, trying to stabilize a situation that impacts you. Decide who can help you create what you want. Test out your idea on a partner or friend who has experience with your type of issue. Tonight: Splurge, party the night away!

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

You are in the limelight right now. Others look to you for answers. Many of you are role models of some kind. Your serious yet diligent approach to problems works well. Tonight: A partner lets you know how much he or she appreciate­s what you do.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

Avoid a commitment right now, if possible, unless it is to yourself, for yourself. You might need more personal time to think through an issue that impacts your domestic life and interactio­ns. You want to view this issue from several different moods and perspectiv­es. Tonight: Happily head home.


Your profession­al and personal attention helps others flourish. Often, others seek you out for your perspectiv­e. If someone is unusually soft and caring, you might not be comfortabl­e with him or her. Do not distance yourself for the moment. Tonight: Going for what you want.


A new beginning becomes possible in your public or profession­al life. Understand what is happening with a boss or authority figure. Your attention pleases them to no end. Tonight: Celebratin­g the weekend.


Reach out for others. Do not stand on ceremony. You do not know what is going on within someone else. You can only guess. Try to understand what is happening with someone at a distance. Tonight: Listening to great music.


One-on-one relating draws others toward you. You have much more to share than you realize or another person thinks. Once the conversati­on is on an open level, you will see you have a strong connection. Tonight: Be a duo.


You feel unusually inspired and creative, as do those around you. Be smart; let others come toward you for a discussion and brainstorm session. At the same time, let others take the credit for now. Tonight: So many choices.

BORN TODAY: Actress Cameron Diaz (1972), business magnate Warren Buffett (1930), tennis player Andy Roddick (1982)

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