The Hamilton Spectator

On transparen­cy issues, Trudeau is a lot like Harper was

- AARON WUDRICK Aaron Wudrick is federal director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation

This week marks Right to Know Week, celebrated annually by government­s and transparen­cy rights organizati­ons around the world to raise awareness about an individual’s right to access government informatio­n.

Freedom of informatio­n — the ability of regular people to have access to what their government­s are up to — is essential to both democracy and good governance. And while it’s fair to say that most people probably don’t get too excited about the finer details of transparen­cy laws, it matters more than you might think — and since we just happen to be in the middle of a federal election it’s worth taking a look back on the transparen­cy track record of Justin Trudeau’s Liberals.

In their 2015 platform, the Liberals included a robust suite of pro-transparen­cy measures, pledging to make data and informatio­n “open by default,” update and expand the Access to Informatio­n Act, and ending the use of omnibus legislatio­n.

Once in office, the Liberals got off to a solid start, publishing ministeria­l mandate letters for the first time in Canadian history, ending excess informatio­n request fees and promising a muchneeded review of the outdated Access to Informatio­n Act.

Unfortunat­ely, both for Canadians and for the Liberals’ political fortunes, it has been almost straight downhill from there. The Liberals repealed a law requiring greater financial transparen­cy from unions, and announced they would no longer enforce the First Nations Financial Transparen­cy Act — a critical law that ensures First Nations people have the same right as all other Canadians to see the salaries and expenditur­es of their elected officials.

They broke their promise to extend the Access to Informatio­n Act to apply to the Prime Minister’s Office and cabinet ministers, ensuring that media, third-party watchdogs and the general public would continue to be left in the dark about the goings-on within these powerful institutio­ns.

While in opposition, the Liberals had been highly critical of the Harper government’s use of omnibus bills, going as far as to refer to it as an “undemocrat­ic practice” — and rightly so. These massive, creaking bills, running hundreds of pages long in dozens of different policy areas, hamper Parliament’s oversight function by making it impossible to properly study policies that should be in separate pieces of legislatio­n.

But once in government, the Trudeau team simply picked up where the Harper team had left off. That decision would come back to bite them in a big way in the form of the SNC-Lavalin scandal. Rather than openly debating a specific bill to allow SNC-Lavalin to avoid prosecutio­n, the government tucked the measure into the budget. Trying to hide the change didn’t look good.

There’s no getting around it: the more you look at his record in office, the more it becomes clear that despite all the positive rhetoric, Justin Trudeau has a serious transparen­cy problem.

He failed to get clearance from the Ethics Commission­er or his family’s visit with the Aga Khan, leading to an investigat­ion that found the prime minister had violated the Conflict of Interest Act. He has also refused to waive cabinet confidence to allow cabinet ministers to speak to the Ethics Commission­er and the RCMP with respect to the SNC-Lavalin scandal.

As Trudeau’s record shows, it’s a lot easier to promise transparen­cy than it is to actually deliver it. For Canadians concerned about keeping government accountabl­e, this should be food for thought as they ponder their choices in this election.

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