The Hamilton Spectator

To regain power, federal Conservati­ve party needs to reinvent, not just re-create

- SUSAN DELACOURT Susan Delacourt is Torstar’s Ottawa bureau chief and a columnist covering national politics. Reach her via email: or follow her on Twitter: @susandelac­ourt

Reinventio­n or re-creation? With would-be leaders lining up to plunge into the Conservati­ve leadership race, that is the basic, existentia­l question facing the candidates — and the party as a whole.

There’s been lots of talk about how the Conservati­ves need a leader who will recreate the old governing coalitions of Brian Mulroney or Stephen Harper, and which politician is best-placed to pull off this feat in the next election.

But political victory in Canada over the past dozen years has not been bestowed on leaders who are content with reviving the glories of past prime ministers. Total reinventio­n of political parties has been proving to be the key to winning elections, not just in Canada, but south of the border too.

Just look at what Donald Trump has done to the Republican party in the U.S., which bears little resemblanc­e to the Republican parties of the past.

Diehard political partisans should probably don flame-resistant headgear before reading further, because I’m about to draw parallels between Harper and Justin Trudeau, which tends to set some people’s hair on fire.

But while they couldn’t be more opposite in politics and dispositio­n, Trudeau and Harper both employed some similar methods to build new parties from old labels. Both leaders were re-inventors, not re-creators, when they decided to get serious and put their respective parties on the path to winning elections.

First off, to reinvent a party, you must first carry a healthy dislike of the party that came before you. You must believe that your party earned its electoral defeats — that

Canadians were right to toss you from power. It took a while — and a couple of leaders — for this acknowledg­ment to sink in with Liberals after they were booted into opposition in 2006.

Harper had solid credential­s here. He bolted Mulroney’s Progressiv­e Conservati­ve party in disgust in the 1980s and helped found the breakaway Reform party in the West. Harper didn’t re-create Mulroney’s old party when he got down to the business of uniting the right in this country — he founded a whole new Conservati­ve party.

Trudeau, for his part, was seen as a re-creator when he first starting musing aloud about leadership, especially by Liberals who were nostalgic for the days of his father, Pierre Trudeau.

But this current Liberal leader, for good or for ill, has demonstrat­ed no great love for Liberal days of old, keeping past party veterans at a cautious distance. One of Trudeau’s first big acts as leader, we’ll remember, was to expel all the old Liberal appointed senators from his caucus. This rejection of the old Liberal hands has repeated itself in all kinds of ways, up and down the operation of Trudeau’s party and government.

“We lost touch,” Trudeau told Liberals during his leadership run in 2013. “We turned inwards and it looked more like arguing over our own positions, our own party, than actually fighting for the future of the country.” Current-day Conservati­ves might want to linger on those sentiments, despite the fact that they were uttered by their arch-enemy. Re-creating old coalitions also runs the risk of re-creating old factions within the new/old party.

Another parallel: Harper and Trudeau performed their acts of party reinventio­n with lots of attention to marketing, advertisin­g and data. Brand new parties need lots of bells and whistles and savvy salesmansh­ip — the kind that can make some party veterans suspicious or nervous.

Under Harper, Conservati­ves became pioneers in the digital and data techniques of modern political marketing through the 2000s and even the early 2010s. That advantage is reportedly gone, with some Conservati­ves complainin­g they were woefully behind the Liberals in the data game in last fall’s election. Any new Conservati­ve leader needs to regain that ground.

Party reinventio­n is on the rise because party loyalty is in decline. No one wins elections simply on the base of old, loyal supporters — they need voters who change their minds; who are willing to reinvent their politics as much as the political parties are these days.

All this reinventio­n gives voting Conservati­ve members some clues on what to ask would-be leaders over the next months leading up to June 27. Is there any candidate who believes, like Harper and Trudeau did, that the party has earned its place in opposition? And which one will reinvent — not recreate — the Conservati­ves back into power?

No one wins elections simply on the base of old, loyal supporters - they need voters who change their minds

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