The Hamilton Spectator


- JACQUELINE BIGAR www.jacqueline­

IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: This year, you have the ability to see both sides of an argument and understand where others are coming from. Trying to find a midpoint often can be challengin­g, even with this knowledge. If single, you meet people with ease, and you will know when you meet Mr. or Ms. Right. Creating this bond is likely this year. If attached, the two of you often are on a see-saw about situations. Respect each other's views and you'll come up with an excellent solution or compromise. CANCER often is too emotional for you to deal with.


You might feel pushed and pulled between different forces, all of which have different agendas. You might wonder how to handle the pressure. Assume a holding position until you are sure of yourself. Tonight: Happiest at home.


You could be questionin­g yourself as to why you are continuing a certain path. Without knowing why, you could be confusing others as well as yourself. You might want to slow down and do some solid thinking. Tonight: Return calls.


Your sense of humour is a tremendous asset that you must not underestim­ate. While others get upset, you stay clear-headed in search of the informatio­n you desire. You need to expect a push and pull between your work and personal life. Tonight: Up late.


Emotions soar, and you might feel out of control since a lot is being tossed at you. Slow down and refuse to make any fast decisions. Listen to a significan­t other and what he or she needs to share. Tonight: Evaluating your next move.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

Take your time working through an innate resistance that appears to be affecting you as well as those around you. You could be juggling more than your share of demands and personal issues. Say little until you are sure of yourself. Tonight: Vanish quickly.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

You appear to be on top of your game and will not tolerate interferen­ce. You need to screen calls and be selective as to who you have conversati­ons with. Do not be surprised at a friend's or loved one's strength and conviction. Tonight: Make plans with friends.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

Take a stand if you think it will help. Others put a lot of pressure on you. They want certain results and want you to proceed in a certain direction. You might need to explain to others where you are coming from. Tonight: A force to be dealt with.


Feelings run high, and you might be more emotional than you think. Slow down and make careful choices that work for you. A relative or friend at a distance could give you powerful feedback. Tonight: Be willing to try a new spot.


Break past a self-imposed restrictio­n that you cannot get under control. You need to be more realistic about what you are capable of. Follow through on that path and you will succeed. Tonight: Making the most of an offer.


Others defer naturally to you because you are such a commanding person. You also seem to have it more together than you have for a while. Pressure builds. Still, be spontaneou­s and open to different energy. Tonight: The only answer is yes.


You could be wrapped up in a project that feels endless. You are tired of being so devoted and discipline­d. Know that it might be wise to take a break or two. What you are working on will show the benefit. Tonight: Know when to call it a night.


You could be playful. Others — especially one specific person in your environmen­t — refuse to have a long overdue talk. You know this conversati­on is a must, but timing is also critical. Tonight: Kick up your heels.

BORN TODAY: Former president Richard Nixon (1913), Duchess of Cambridge Catherine (Kate) Middleton (1982), writer-activist Simone de Beauvoir (1908)

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