The Hamilton Spectator

Hamilton Jewish community is committed to ensuring everyone is safe and healthy


Jewish tradition tells us, “Whoever saves a single life saves the entire world.” In these uncertain times, we are all responsibl­e for saving lives. Actions that we previously considered to be simple, like washing our hands or staying at home, now have the power to make sure people remain safe and healthy. All of us are united in the fight against COVID-19. Together we are saving our entire world.

The pandemic has made us all vulnerable. In turn, we need community more than ever.

Our Hamilton Jewish community is committed to ensuring everyone is safe and healthy. Life is very different now, but we are all still working together foster wellness and connectivi­ty. Our synagogues have members zooming or calling in for worship. Our friends at Beth Tikvah and Shalom Village continue to provide important residentia­l care to seniors and the developmen­tally disabled. Our enthusiast­ic young adults volunteer their time to do grocery shopping for seniors, sew masks for the vulnerable, and prepare care packages (such as food, PPE, and cleaning supplies) for those forced to isolate.

We are physically apart but closer than ever. On Tuesday, we observed Yom Hashoah. It commemorat­es the 6 million Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust. This year, we were unable to come together physically. Instead, technology brought us together. We came together as one Jewish family across Canada. Stories and testimonia­ls were streamed. Exhibition­s were virtual (www.jewishhami­

This pandemic has been tough for all Canadians. We all can feel more isolated and alone, especially seniors. Speaking with other agencies across Canada, we are finding that many seniors – including Holocaust Survivors - are triggered by these circumstan­ces. Their traumas are rising to the surface again. It is heartbreak­ing. Our voices and care for them matters more than ever.

We are ensuring no one is alone. We are providing food delivery, grocery shopping, virtual engagement­s and more. We are also doing friendly phone calls. We triage need, and arrange for other supports – mental health services, food, cleaning supplies, and more.

The simple act of connection contains so much power.

Hamilton Jewish Family Services, Hamilton Jewish Federation, and Adas Israel Synagogue partnered with Chef Max Bida to create an amazing food initiative, FOOD 4 U. This kosher meals on wheels service allows the most vulnerable to receive free meals, and others to get these delicious meals at a minimum cost. We make sure that all meals are available through delivery or curbside pick-up, and that this is done free-of-charge. Our volunteer drivers come from all over Jewish Hamilton – including Beth Jacob Synagogue, the Hamilton Jewish Community Centre, and McMaster Hillel. For seniors, delivery is especially important. As one person told us, “This food and kindness makes me know that I am loved and cared for – even when we are far apart.”

For Passover, our organizati­ons worked with Temple Anshe Sholom to bring free Passover hampers to vulnerable community members. These were delivered by extraordin­ary volunteers. One recipient told us, “In all my years, the significan­ce of Passover has never felt more important than it does this year.” For our Mitzvah of the Month (a monthly campaign that mobilizes people to help), we are collecting handsewn face masks. These will be shared with seniors, vulnerable community members, along with essential workers.

To help us continue our work, please donate at www.jewishhami­ or www.hamiltonjf­ To learn more about our supports and services, please contact info@hamiltonjf­ or visit https://jewishhami­

Thank you for supporting the work we do. Together we are saving our world.

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