The Hamilton Spectator

Help the birds while staying at home

- Mark and Ben Cullen are expert gardeners and contributo­rs for the Star. Follow Mark on Twitter: @MarkCullen­4

Spring is a sensory experience.

As the earth warms, it creates a welcoming aroma of the season. Early bloomers like narcissus and forsythia provide colour. The soundtrack is the sound of birds chirping in the background.

As we all stay home in the battle against COVID19, bird watching - even from your balcony or highrise window - can help to while away a lot of hours.

Where environmen­tal issues are concerned, wild birds are literally and figurative­ly the canaries in the coal mine. The health of the bird population tells us a lot about the direction that our environmen­t is heading. And things don’t look great: according to a report in the journal Science, we have lost almost 3 billion birds in North America since 1970 - a decline of 29 per cent.

This might come to you as a shock, since there seems to be no shortage of birds right now as they migrate north, right through the heart of Toronto and often in staggering numbers. The good news is that there’s plenty we can do as gardeners to support our vulnerable bird population­s. Recent research has underscore­d the importance of urban habitat for birds, especially those that migrate. Imagine that you are a bird and you are flying from Mexico to the boreal forest in Northern Ontario. You need somewhere to rest and something to eat, especially after the long journey over Lake Ontario. This is where gardeners come in.

Plant selection is important for bird-conscious gardeners. Ecologists remind us that birds represent just one part of biodiversi­ty - the natural web of biodiversi­ty includes the plants that birds eat, and the plants that support the insects that birds eat. See how we cleverly brought this back to plants? Native plant species generally pack the greatest punch when it comes to supporting a healthy insect population. In an interview with the University of Delaware, ecologist Doug Tallamy notes that a native oak can support up to 557 species of caterpilla­rs, which are important food for robins and wrens. A non-native Gingko tree supports none. There are plenty of ways you can nurture insect life in your garden. Planting native species, avoiding the use of insecticid­es and building an insect hotel are three. Think of an insect hotel as a bird feeder that fills itself. Nature’s food-web starts here.

Native species of maple, service berries and oaks also provide safe habitat for birds such as orioles, tanagers and the red-eyed vireo which prefer nesting in tree canopies.

Plant species that attract birds for habitat and food with their berries and seeds include:

• White birch is a native tree that is especially valuable to birds which overwinter with us in Canada. Seeds are abundant and enjoyed by redpolls, pine siskins and goldfinch. As a bonus, the unique white bark is a great year-round feature in any garden.

• Fruits such as currants, blackberri­es and raspberrie­s attract birds - so many that you will be lucky if there is fruit left for you.

• Virginia creeper (Parthenoci­ssus quinquefol­ia) is a native, woody-stemmed vine with brilliant red foliage in the fall and dark-coloured berries which are enjoyed by many types of birds. The habitat provided by Virginia creeper also supports insects which are attractive to birds, and a place for songbirds such as warblers to make their nests. In addition to plants that provide food and shelter, we recommend that you supplement with bird feeders and houses. Buying bird food is often a case of getting what you pay for. There is a lot of cheap filler product that many birds will kick out of the feeder.

Avoid bird seed with an abundance of corn, especially whole corn and milo, a cheap substitute for quality millet.

With bird houses or nesting boxes, we recommend that you remove last year’s nest and dust some wood ash inside to prevent lice in the new nest. Birds need water to drink and clean themselves - find a creative bird bath or consider adding a water feature to your garden to make your yard a one-stop-shop for happy birds.

And while the happy birds splash and play, enjoy the music.

 ??  ?? Native species of trees, such as serviceber­ry, are a preferred habitat for birds like Balitimore Orioles.
Native species of trees, such as serviceber­ry, are a preferred habitat for birds like Balitimore Orioles.
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