The Hamilton Spectator

Netanyahu warns against new elections

PM says legal challenge could lead to fourth vote for Israelis in one year


JERUSALEM—Israel’s prime minister urged the country’s Supreme Court on Monday not to interfere in his efforts to build a coalition government, threatenin­g that a decision against him could drag the country toward an unpreceden­ted fourth straight election in just over a year.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made his comments shortly after the court heard a second day of arguments in a series of legal challenges to the coalition deal.

The court’s rulings, expected by the end of the week, will dictate whether Israel breaks out of its prolonged political paralysis with Netanyahu and his former political rival Benny Gantz joining forces in government, or whether the country is plunged into another election.

The court is looking into two key questions: whether a politician facing criminal corruption charges, such as Netanyahu, can form a new government; and whether his coalition deal with Gantz violated the law.

Speaking to reporters following a briefing on coronaviru­s developmen­ts, Netanyahu pressed the court not to get involved in the country’s political affairs lest it risk forcing new elections.

“We hope the court doesn’t interfere. It doesn’t need to interfere. There is the will of the people, the clear expression of the will of the people,” Netanyahu said.

If a court ruling picks apart the coalition deal, it “increases the chances that we will be dragged to fourth elections, something that will be a catastroph­e,” he said.

An unusually large panel of 11 justices, all wearing face masks and separated by plastic barriers, heard the case against the emerging coalition. Reflecting the case’s importance, the court took the rare step of streaming the proceeding­s on its website and on national TV.

Since Netanyahu was indicted on corruption charges last year, he has stepped up his attacks on the country’s legal establishm­ent and sought to portray himself as a victim.

Netanyahu and his allies have long considered the high court a liberal bastion that overreache­d its boundaries to meddle in political affairs, accusing it of underminin­g the will of the people as expressed in national elections. His opponents regard the court as the final safeguard of Israeli democracy that has been under dangerous assault from demagogic populists.

After deadlockin­g in three closely contested election campaigns, Netanyahu and former military chief Gantz reached a deal last month in which they would be sworn in together for an emergency government ostensibly to battle the coronaviru­s and its economic fallout.

The deal calls for Netanyahu to serve first as prime minister and Gantz as the designated premier, with the two swapping posts after 18 months. The new position will enjoy all the trappings of the prime minister, including an official residence and — key for Netanyahu — an exemption from a law that requires all public officials, except the prime minister, to resign if charged with a crime.

The court will be asked to rule on this arrangemen­t — and there is a sense of urgency as Thursday marks the deadline for presenting a new government before new elections are called.

Zeev Elkin, a cabinet minister from Netanyahu’s Likud party, warned that any court interventi­on could trigger a highly unpopular election.

“The coalition agreement is very complex. Moving a single brick could bring the entire structure down and force fourth elections,” Elkin told Israel’s Army Radio.

Lawyer Dafna Holtz-Lechner, who represents one of the petitioner­s, countered that oversight was required precisely because “someone charged with criminal offences is also the person who concocted the coalition agreement with all its repercussi­ons for himself.”

Netanyahu has been charged with fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes in a series of scandals in which he is accused of offering favours to media moguls in exchange for favourable press coverage.

He denies the accusation­s and says he is the victim of a mediaorche­strated witch hunt. His trial was postponed in March due to restrictio­ns his handpicked interim justice minister placed on the courts after the coronaviru­s crisis erupted. It is now scheduled to start later this month.

Netanyahu is eager to remain in office throughout his trial, using his position to lash out at the judicial system and rally support among his base. The coalition deal also gives him influence over key judicial appointmen­ts, creating a potential conflict of interest during an appeals process if he is convicted.

Netanyahu’s lawyers, though, say he will refrain from getting involved in anything pertaining to his own case.

 ?? ABIR SULTAN AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Judges and personnel of the Israeli Supreme Court, seen here wearing face masks on Monday, must decide whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition deal violated the law.
ABIR SULTAN AFP/GETTY IMAGES Judges and personnel of the Israeli Supreme Court, seen here wearing face masks on Monday, must decide whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition deal violated the law.

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