The Hamilton Spectator

World could hit 1.5 C warming threshold by 2024: United Nations

Countries face ‘enormous challenge’ to meet goals of 2015 Paris accord


GENEVA — The world could see annual global temperatur­es break a key threshold for the first time in the coming five years, the United Nations weather agency said Thursday.

The World Meteorolog­ical Organizati­on

(WMO) said forecasts suggest there’s a 20 per cent chance global temperatur­es will be 1.5 degrees Celsius higher than the pre-industrial average in at least one year between 2020 and ’24.

The 1.5 C mark is the level countries agreed to cap global warming at in 2015. While a new annual high might be followed by several years with lower average temperatur­es, breaking that threshold would be seen as further evidence internatio­nal efforts to curb climate change aren’t working.

Scientists say average temperatur­es around the world are already at least 1 C higher now than from 1850 to 1900 because of man-made greenhouse emissions.

The Geneva-based WMO said there’s a 70 per cent chance the 1.5 C mark will be exceeded in a single month between 2020 and ’24.

The five-year period is expected to see annual average temperatur­es that are 0.91 C to 1.59 C higher than pre-industrial averages, it said.

The forecast is contained in an annual climate outlook based on several long-term computer models compiled under the leadership of the United Kingdom’s Met Office.

WMO chief Petteri Taalas said the study shows “the enormous challenge” countries face in meeting the goals of the 2015 Paris accord.

The agreement sets a goal of keeping global warming well below 2 C, ideally no more than 1.5 C.

The agency noted the models used for the forecast don’t consider the impact the coronaviru­s pandemic might have on reducing emissions of planet-warming gases such as carbon dioxide.

“The industrial and economic slowdown from COVID-19 is not a substitute for sustained and co-ordinated climate action,” Taalas said.

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