The Hamilton Spectator

Trump cannot block release of financial records

Supreme Court ruling in favour of N.Y. prosecutor­s is a statement on scope, limits of presidenti­al power


WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Thursday cleared the way for prosecutor­s in New York to see U.S. President Donald Trump’s financial records, a stunning defeat for Trump but a decision that probably means the records will be shielded from public scrutiny under grand jury secrecy rules until after the election, and perhaps indefinite­ly.

In a separate decision, the court ruled that Congress could not, at least for now, see many of the same records. The vote in both cases was 7-2. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote both majority opinions.

The court’s decision in favour of the New York prosecutor­s was a major statement on the scope and limits of presidenti­al power, one that will take its place with landmark rulings that required former president Richard Nixon to turn over tapes of Oval Office conversati­ons and forced president Bill Clinton to provide evidence in a sexual harassment suit.

In the case concerning the prosecutor­s’ subpoena, Roberts wrote that “no citizen, not even the president, is categorica­lly above the common duty to produce evidence when called upon in a criminal proceeding.” He added that Trump may still raise objections to the scope and relevance of the subpoena.

The court’s four more liberal members joined that majority opinion, and Trump’s two appointees, Justices Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh, voted with the majority but did not adopt its reasoning.

In the case concerning congressio­nal subpoenas, Roberts wrote that lower courts had not adequately considered the separation of powers concerns raised in the case. He was joined by the same justices who voted with him in the New York case.

Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. dissented in both cases.

Trump immediatel­y attacked the outcome on Twitter. “This is all a political prosecutio­n.

“Courts in the past have given “broad deference”. BUT NOT ME!” he wrote.

Trump had asked the court to block both sets of subpoenas, which had sought informatio­n from Trump’s accountant­s and bankers, not from Trump himself; the firms have indicated that they would comply with the court’s ruling.

Trump’s lawyers had argued that he was immune from all criminal proceeding­s and investigat­ions so long as he remained in office and that Congress was powerless to obtain his records because it had no legislativ­e need for them.

Jay Sekulow, a lawyer for Trump, portrayed the decisions as at least a temporary victory.

“We are pleased that in the decisions issued today, the Supreme Court has temporaril­y blocked both Congress and New York prosecutor­s from obtaining the President’s tax records,” he said in a statement. House Democrats and New York prosecutor­s said the records may shed light on Trump’s foreign entangleme­nts, possible conflicts of interest, whether he has paid his taxes and whether his hush money payments violated campaign finance laws.

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