The Hamilton Spectator

Councillor­s should take a lesson from the courtroom

After the recent behaviour of some members, perhaps a reminder of real grown-up deportment is in order

- Susan Clairmont

It’s time for Hamilton city councillor­s to take a field trip.

They need to walk out of city hall, head a couple of blocks east on Main Street and spend some time in the John Sopinka Courthouse.

Because if they do that, they might just learn a thing or two about decorum.

Unless you live under a rock — or have become so disgusted you can’t bear to pay attention anymore — you will know that some of our elected officials seem to have lost their minds.

Their bad behaviour has become so obnoxious and toxic that even I’m writing about it. Me. The court columnist.

Recently I tweeted: “You know, I’m so grateful that I just cover murder trials and not city hall.” And it’s true.

Though the stakes are much higher in a murder trial than, say, a debate over SoBi bicycles, court manages not to devolve into a cesspool of ranting, raving and personal jibes.

Recently, Coun. Terry Whitehead was kicked out of a virtual meeting about the traffic calming of Aberdeen Avenue. His antics were that bad. Afterward he said: “You can’t expect politician­s to be teetotalle­rs.

We’ve got a huge responsibi­lity and I’m trying to fight the fight ...”

You don’t have to be a jerk to fight the fight. Not even when justice and lives hang in the balance.

Decorum and etiquette is paramount in a courtroom. It isn’t just encouraged. It is insisted upon.

Not because the court is enslaved to tradition. Rather because nonsense is distractin­g. Solemnity is called for when serious, contentiou­s and emotional issues are being decided. The process deserves to be respected. Reasoned arguments should always be more effective than bullying. And if you’re going to make grown-up decisions, you should act like a grown-up.

If Hamilton councillor­s were to sit in on the Ontario Court of Justice or Superior Court of Justice, they might pick up some habits worthy of their council chambers, or at the very least, adopt the spirit of courtroom decorum:

When a judge enters the courtroom everyone rises to their feet to show respect. A judge is always addressed as “Your Honour.” A justice of the peace is “Your Worship.”

Opposing counsel is referred to as “my friend” — even if they are not.

Lawyers stand to address the court and if one lawyer is on their feet, all the others must be seated. Listening. Politely.

There is no grimacing or eyerolling by lawyers or judges or court staff. No whispering. No interrupti­ng at all unless it is a bona fide objection. And unless you wish shame upon yourself, your phone will be shut off. Completely.

Witnesses are addressed as “mister” or “miss.”

Members of the public who wish to see justice done have every right to be in an open courtroom and are treated respectful­ly because they, too, are participan­ts in the process.

Proper dress must be worn by lawyers. Business attire in OCJ. Robes in SCJ. No jeans. No shorts. No flip-flops.

All court staff are to be treated profession­ally.

Always be on time. Which means, be early.

Being a city councillor is not an easy job. I couldn’t do it.

But I expect my elected officials to be profession­al and respectful while performing the job I am paying them to do.

See you in court.

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