The Hamilton Spectator

Arab spacecraft enters orbit around Mars in historic space flight


DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES — A spacecraft from the United Arab Emirates swung into orbit around Mars on Tuesday in a triumph for the Arab world’s first interplane­tary mission.

Ground controller­s at the UAE’s space centre in Dubai rose to their feet and broke into applause when word came that the craft, called Amal, Arabic for Hope, had reached the end of its sevenmonth, 300-million-mile journey and had begun circling the red planet, where it will gather detailed data on Mars’ atmosphere.

The orbiter fired its main engines for 27 minutes in an intricate, high-stakes manoeuvre that slowed the craft enough for it to be captured by Mars’ gravity. It took a nail-biting 11 minutes for the signal confirming success to reach Earth.

Tensions were high: Over the years, Mars has been the graveyard for a multitude of missions from various countries.

A visibly relieved Omran Sharaf, the mission’s director, declared, “To the people of the UAE and Arab and Islamic nations, we announce the success of the UAE reaching Mars.”

Two more unmanned spacecraft from the U.S. and China are following close behind, set to arrive at Mars over the next several days. All three missions were launched in July to take advantage of the close alignment of Earth and Mars.

Amal’s arrival puts the UAE in a league of just five space agencies in history that have pulled off a functionin­g Mars mission. As the country’s first venture beyond Earth’s orbit, the flight is a point of intense pride for the oil-rich nation as it seeks a future in space.

Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the UAE’s day-to-day ruler, was on hand at mission control and said: “Congratula­tions to the leadership and people of the UAE. Your joy is indescriba­ble.”

About 60 per cent of all Mars missions have ended in failure, crashing, burning up or otherwise falling short in a testament to the complexity of interplane­tary travel and the difficulty of making a descent through Mars’ thin atmosphere.

A combinatio­n orbiter and lander from China is scheduled to reach the planet on Wednesday. It will circle Mars until the rover separates and attempts to land in May to look for signs of ancient life.

A rover from the U.S. named Perseveran­ce is set to join the crowd next week, aiming for a landing Feb. 18. It will be the first leg in a decade-long U.S.-European project to bring Mars rocks back to Earth to be examined for evidence the planet once harboured microscopi­c life.

If it pulls this off, China will become only the second country to land successful­ly on Mars. The U.S. has done it eight times, the first almost 45 years ago. A NASA rover and lander are still working on the surface.

 ?? FRANCOIS NEL GETTY IMAGES ?? A man gets his picture taken in front of an Arabs To Mars sign at Burj Park in Dubai. The UAE’s space program is the fifth to reach the Martian orbit.
FRANCOIS NEL GETTY IMAGES A man gets his picture taken in front of an Arabs To Mars sign at Burj Park in Dubai. The UAE’s space program is the fifth to reach the Martian orbit.

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