The Hamilton Spectator

People’s Party not without influence


While the usual suspects are gathering for the opening of the new Parliament, let’s take a few moments to reflect, if counterint­uitively, on a party that isn’t invited to the capital this week.

It is the People’s Party of Canada, led by former Conservati­ve cabinet minister Maxime Bernier. The PPC is an under-reported story, its prowess in September’s election largely unacknowle­dged. Yet, it was the only one of six national parties to gain ground at the polls. While the Green Party vote collapsed and the Liberals, Conservati­ves, NDP and Bloc Québécois straight-lined, the PPC, fighting its second election since its creation in 2018, trebled its share of the popular vote, to five per cent. A small number. But it is worth noting that the populist PPC made gains in every province, including Ontario. Even though it won twice as many votes as the Green Party did nationally, it elected no members.

To look at it another way, in September, the People’s Party won three times as many votes as an earlier grievance-fuelled party, Preston Manning’s fledgling Reform Party, won in 1988.

One election later, in 1993, Reform made its breakthrou­gh, electing 50 MPs; in 1997, it became the official opposition (to Jean Chrétien’s Liberals). Over the next six years, Reform became the Canadian Alliance, gobbled up the remains of the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve party, and emerged as today’s Conservati­ve Party of Canada.

No one is predicting history will repeat itself. The People’s Party — its supporters a mixed bag of disillusio­ned Conservati­ves, libertaria­ns, hard-right ideologues, freedom-of-conscience advocates, climatecha­nge deniers, conspiracy theorists, and a diversity of other kooks, including some who insist that little green men from outer space are roaming our planet — is not to everyone’s taste. But there are similariti­es to the rise of Reform.

Last week, the Environics Institute published an analysis of PPC voters in “The Conversati­on,” an online network that distribute­s research reports.

“At first glance … PPC voters have the profile many would expect,” the analysis says. “They’re dissatisfi­ed with the way things are going in our country today, feel the economy is getting weaker, think there are too many immigrants coming to Canada who don’t adopt the country’s values and hold a favourable opinion of the United States. Yet these opinions do not really set them apart. Most Conservati­ve party supporters also hold these views. What does distinguis­h PPC voters is their views on the COVID-19 pandemic, and specifical­ly on the issue of vaccinatio­n, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports.”

Asked what they saw as the country’s most important problem, Liberals and Conservati­ves replied COVID-19, while NDP, Bloc and Green voters said climate change. “But for PPC supporters, the No. 1 issue was the loss of freedom stemming from vaccine mandates — a concern barely mentioned by anyone who supported other parties,” Environics said.

There, in a nutshell, is Erin O’Toole’s dilemma. The Conservati­ve leader knows most Canadians, including Tories, support mandatory vaccinatio­n. But he wants to prevent further hemorrhagi­ng to the PPC. So he equivocate­s. He agrees that all members of Parliament should be vaccinated, but — throwing a bone to vaccine skeptics in his own ranks — he won’t insist that all Conservati­ve MPs get the jab.

His equivocati­on hurts him in two ways. It tells vaccine resisters that they are not welcome in the O’Toole party. And it feeds the perception among mainstream Conservati­ves that O’Toole is too unsure of himself, too compromise­d to lead them to victory.

The People’s Party may be unseen, but its influence is felt.

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