The Hamilton Spectator

Conservati­ve is elected president in South Korea


SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA Yoon Suk Yeol, a conservati­ve former top prosecutor and foreign policy neophyte, was elected South Korea’s new president Thursday, a win expected to herald Seoul’s drive to seek a stronger alliance with the United States and take a tougher line on North Korea.

With over 99 per cent of the votes counted early Thursday, Yoon from the main opposition People Power Party had 48.6 per cent against ruling liberal Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung’s 47.8 per cent. It was South Korea’s most closely fought presidenti­al election.

A crowd of supporters gathered near Yoon’s house and his party’s campaign office, shouting his name in celebratio­n of his election win.

“This is the victory of our great people,” Yoon said in his victory speech at the party office. “I would respect our constituti­on and parliament and work together with the opposition party to serve our people properly.”

Yoon is to take office in May and serve a single five-year term as leader of the world’s 10th largest economy.

Earlier, Lee, a former governor of Gyeonggi province, conceded his defeat at his party headquarte­rs.

Wednesday’s election boiled down to a two-way showdown between Yoon and Lee, who spent months slamming, mocking and demonizing each other in one of the most bitter political campaigns in recent memory. Their fighting has aggravated the country’s already severe domestic divisions and stoked speculatio­n that the losing candidate might face criminal probes over scandals that they’ve been linked to. After winning the election, Yoon said his race with Lee and other contenders has improved South Korean politics.

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