The Hamilton Spectator

Intelligen­ce failure


It is generally conceded that Trump Republican­s are abnormal. Don Sawyer’s article warns us that their disease has wormed across the border and seized on the Canadian flag to make a travesty of what it stands for.

Canada has repelled many invasions from the U.S., armed and surreptiti­ous, and despite the current danger affecting some Canadians, often of the Christian fundamenta­list persuasion, and Premier Doug Ford who on being elected went to the States to praise Donald Trump, Canadians have kept their sanity for the most part. Unfortunat­ely, Canada’s intelligen­ce services, as we note from the news of paying millions of dollars to innocent Canadians tortured by Americans with Canadian accent, betray our character. I was disturbed by a notice in The Spec that Chelsea Manning, a heroine to much of the world for exposing the criminal use of drones among other crimes by the U.S. government, was denied entry into Canada and would be fined if she tried again. She served her time in prison, was pardoned by ex-U.S. president Barack Obama, and her whistle-blowing revealed American, not Canadian crimes. We are being badly served by “intelligen­ce.”

David Richard Beasley, Simcoe

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