The Hamilton Spectator

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I agree with comments made by Lorraine Sommerfeld about some drivers. I strongly disagree that she puts the onus solely on the drivers’ shoulders. I believe we all need to learn to share the road and responsibi­lity. There are a significan­t number of walkers distracted and not paying attention, similarly bicyclists. I do all three — car, bike, walk — and am constantly on alert no matter what my mode of transporta­tion is on any given day. I have had a number of near misses in my car through no fault of my own and am thankful that my father taught me to be a defensive driver. What I find most disturbing lately is that we all have to be told what to do these days. We have all become selfish and silos. We have gotten away from human courtesy for each other.

Mary Hickey, Burlington

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