The Hamilton Spectator

A deadly dream of imperialis­tic glory

Putin’s dangerous attempt to recreate Russian empire has floundered against fierce Ukrainian resistance


Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has become the first perilous geopolitic­al crisis of the 21st century, pitting NATO countries against Russia with the threat of a nuclear war in the balance.

As the de facto totalitari­an dictator of Russia, Putin controls all state news — which deprives the Russian people of independen­t and objective reportage. This deprivatio­n means that this is a war desired by Putin and not by his people who are being deceived and brainwashe­d by false informatio­n.

At the root of the Ukraine war is Putin’s view that the voluntary and democratic dissolutio­n of the Soviet Union in 1991 was the “greatest geopolitic­al catastroph­e of the 20th century” and a “genuine tragedy for Russia” because it lost the protective military bulwark of its Soviet republics.

To correct this mistake, Putin aspires to reunify Russia and its neighbouri­ng republics — by military force if necessary — with the aim of creating a geopolitic­al and multinatio­nal superpower capable of offsetting the power of NATO countries.

That is Putin’s imperialis­tic dream and the political legacy that he wants to leave behind in Russia’s history. In 2021, Putin signed a law that will enable him to potentiall­y rule Russia until 2036 so he can fulfil his dream.

Putin covets Ukraine because it possesses many assets — one being its access to the Black Sea. He wants to bring this former Soviet republic to heel and set up a pro-Russian government there — as he has done in Chechnya, Belarus, Donbas, Crimea, Kazakhstan and Turkmenist­an.

More importantl­y, Putin wants to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO, claiming that he needs to safeguard Russia’s borders from deployment threats of military forces and nuclear weapons in Ukraine by NATO countries.

But Putin’s boasted armed forces have failed to break the will of the Ukrainian people and his dream has turned into an embarrassi­ng nightmare.

And Putin’s war has exposed to the world the tyranny of his realpoliti­k.

His vicious war indiscrimi­nately attacks both military and civilian targets and leaves behind abject destructio­n, devastatio­n, death and bloodstain­ed rubble.

Putin realizes that he has blundered in starting a war against Ukraine. Instead of the war bringing him victory and political respect, it has ironically brought only NATO sanctions, and global infamy and condemnati­on.

But unwilling to admit his error and stop his war, Putin intensifie­s the savagery of his tactics — hoping that Ukraine will capitulate either militarily or diplomatic­ally.

But his options are limited: get some kind of victory, or cut bait and lose face.

The latter option is not in his DNA and raises the peril that he may decide to use biological or nuclear weapons to win.

A crucial question now arises for Putin: is his dangerous dream of imperialis­tic glory for Russia worth the price of the many wars it will take to achieve it? Before answering, Putin should risk his own life on the front lines of the war that he started, and not sit in the comfort and safety of a palace directing others to kill or get killed for him.

Whatever happens, the havoc that Putin has wreaked and the blood spilled on both sides of this war is on his hands and history books will consign him to the dungheap of political villains and war criminals.

Contrarily, the Ukrainian people will be praised for their heroic resistance and epic courage under fire — and for their unbending willingnes­s to sacrifice their lives to defend their inalienabl­e right to freedom.

 ?? ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICH­ENKO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? Blood spilled on both sides of the war in Ukraine is on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s hands and history books will consign him to the dungheap of political villains and war criminals, Tony Lo Presti writes.
ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICH­ENKO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO Blood spilled on both sides of the war in Ukraine is on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s hands and history books will consign him to the dungheap of political villains and war criminals, Tony Lo Presti writes.

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