The Hamilton Spectator

Building a better city demands a sharper focus


As our new city council gets ready to meet to articulate their top priorities for the next four years, the IELECT Hamilton team wants to remind councillor­s and the public of our analysis of the responses we received to our candidate questionna­ire prior to the Oct. 24 election.

Our analysis shows a remarkable degree of alignment on citywide issues as articulate­d by the majority of the new council.

The IELECT questionna­ire asked candidates to provide their top three concerns in each of the six IELECT priority areas: infrastruc­ture, economy, leadership, environmen­t, community and transporta­tion. The answers from the winning candidates were compared to create a combined list of top three concerns in each priority area.

Responses to the questionna­ire were received from the following members of the new council: Ward 1 — Maureen Wilson Ward 2 — Cameron Kroetsch Ward 3 — Nrinder Nann Ward 4 — Tammy Hwang Ward 10 — Jeff Beattie

Ward 11 — Mark Tadeson Ward 12 — Craig Cassar Ward 13 — Alex Wilson Ward 15 — Ted McMeekin The winning candidates who didn’t submit a questionna­ire are: Ward 5 — Matt Francis Ward 6 — Tom Jackson Ward 7 — Esther Pauls Ward 8 — John Paul Danko Ward 9 — Brad Clark

Ward 14 — Mike Spadafora Mayor — Andrea Horwath Here’s what we found by category:


■ Develop a funded, multi-year infrastruc­ture plan

■ Better stormwater and wastewater treatment plan

■ Safer streets for all


■ Fully integrated economic developmen­t plan including inclusiona­ry zoning, green economy, rural economy, protecting employment lands, etc.

■ Affordable and deeply affordable housing

■ Living wage to support skilled labour workforce


■ Lack of transparen­cy and accountabi­lity

■ Long-term, city-wide, strategic thinking and decision-making

■ True community engagement to shape decisions


■ Take measurable actions on city’s declared climate emergency

■ Limit sprawl with improved land use and zoning

■ Protect water/waterways


■ Robust, meaningful community engagement and consultati­on

■ Actively embracing our diversity through understand­ing and knowledge by and for all

■ Improve housing options (underhouse­d and unhoused)


■ Underinves­tment in public transit — invest, improve, expand, reliable public transit

■ Unsafe streets — improve safety for all

■ Disconnect­ed cycle infrastruc­ture

In preparatio­n for their priorityse­tting workshop, the results of which will be shared with the public by the end of March, we encourage all councillor­s and the mayor to review their own platforms and responses to the candidate questionna­ire again, as well as the platforms and responses of their colleagues.

Remind yourselves what you said that got you elected. This is meant to help focus discussion­s, not to limit them.

We believe we can achieve so much more for all Hamiltonia­ns if we blend building better wards with building a better city.

The completed candidate questionna­ires are still posted on the IELECT website at IELECTHamt­

 ?? JOHN RENNISON THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR FILE PHOTO ?? The members of Hamilton’s new city council pose for an official photo before their inaugural meeting. Graham Crawford and IELECT Hamilton remind councillor­s of their stated priorities.
JOHN RENNISON THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR FILE PHOTO The members of Hamilton’s new city council pose for an official photo before their inaugural meeting. Graham Crawford and IELECT Hamilton remind councillor­s of their stated priorities.

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