The Hamilton Spectator

In Sierra Leone, 50 Cents Can Change a Life


Brace yourself for a gross fact: Some 1.5 billion of the world’s people have worms living in their bodies, weakening them and occasional­ly disfigurin­g them. Yet eliminatin­g the worms is one of the most tantalizin­g and inexpensiv­e of health fixes.

For the cost of keeping a single American dog dewormed, we could free more than 100 children from the burden of worms. Children can be dewormed for about 50 cents each. At a typical two dewormings a year, that is $1 annually, compared with almost $140 a year for the Heartgard deworming medicine that my dog gets.

Worms do not normally endanger lives, but they can cause anemia, sap energy and, in some cases, result in worse harms. An unusually devastatin­g kind of worm causes elephantia­sis, a disease in which a person’s legs swell up like an elephant’s.

That is what happened to Rukoh Kana, an emaciated woman with a left leg that is hugely swollen. She has taken deworming medicines that have killed the worms, but the deformity itself cannot be reversed.

“I used to work as a farmer and gardener, but now I can’t,” Kana told me.

One gauge of the stigma of elephantia­sis: Other villagers mocked Kana and then began to accuse her of being a witch. Villagers were summoned, and a profession­al witch hunter twirled a pole that supposedly would point to any witch present. In the end there was a purificati­on process, a village conflict and a chain of punishment that ended in the killing of three men. All because of worms.

Worms once inhabited perhaps 40 percent of Americans living in the Southern states, but a precursor of the Rockefelle­r Foundation dewormed American children early in the 20th century and then saw large gains in the ability of kids to study and learn. Yet despite easy fixes, worms still inhabit the bodies of 1.5 billion people around the world, according to a World Health Organizati­on estimate.

The good news is that elephantia­sis is on its way out. This is the only district in Sierra Leone where the disease is still endemic, and the horror it evokes may soon be a memory. Credit for eliminatio­n goes in part to Helen Keller Intl, a nonprofit that is working to eliminate it and other tropical diseases.

In my reporting career, I have seen heartening declines in elephantia­sis and other ailments caused by worms. It used to be that children sometimes had so many worms that they would die from intestinal blockage; doctors say that is very rare now.

“Many millions of people are now liberated from these debilitati­ng conditions for generation­s to come, diseases that have been haunting humanity for millennia,” said Shawn Baker of Helen Keller Internatio­nal.

Men with elephantia­sis, also known as lymphatic filariasis, sometimes suffer a particular humiliatio­n: The disease can cause not only hugely swollen legs but also grotesquel­y swollen scrotums.

I spoke with five men with elephantia­sis who had scrotums swollen to the size of a grapefruit or a small soccer ball. Tens of millions of men suffer from this condition.

“It’s very uncomforta­ble,” said Amidu Thullah, 35, a farmer whose wife left him with their children because of the ailment. It is hard for Thullah to fit into pants or walk around, and it leaves men with this condition targets of mockery.

Yet while swollen legs cannot be corrected, there is now hope for men with inflated scrotums. Helen Keller Internatio­nal is arranging free surgery, financed by the END Fund, a group that fights worms, to reduce the scrotums of those with this ailment. The cost of the surgery is about $150, and it is transforma­tive. Two men here have had the surgery.

“The shame is gone,” Alpha Bangura, 38, who has recovered from the surgery, told me. “I feel like a normal human being again.”

People sometimes ask me skepticall­y if humanitari­an aid does any good. No one seeing the toll of elephantia­sis here as it wanes or the relief of these men who have been given their lives back could doubt it. The United States Agency for Internatio­nal Developmen­t is a major funder of deworming efforts.

Early in my career, I thought that in the age-old battle between worms and humans, it might be worms that had the advantage. Now, even in the poorest countries in the world, humans are gaining ground. At a time of so much grim news, that is a win for humanity.

A fifth of the world’s people have worms, despite a cheap fix.

 ?? MALIN FEZEHAI FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Rukoh Kana, who suffers from elephantia­sis, in Binkolo, Sierra Leone.
MALIN FEZEHAI FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES Rukoh Kana, who suffers from elephantia­sis, in Binkolo, Sierra Leone.

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