The Hamilton Spectator

A platform for misinforma­tion


The vice-president of the European Commission for values and transparen­cy, Vera Jourova, stated in an interview that X is “the platform with the largest ratio of mis- or disinforma­tion posts” and it’s frightenin­g to see just how true this is.

Formerly Twitter, now X, is a social media platform used by many politician­s to share their campaigns. However, the amount of freedom given to politician­s on the site is alarming, as it appears they are free to spread hate, intoleranc­e and misinforma­tion with little to no repercussi­ons. Recently, the amount of transphobi­c misinforma­tion and comments by politician­s have grown on X as gender-affirming care becomes a more prevalent political topic in the United States.

Politician­s partaking in these actions should be banned from the platform because they not only break the rules of X, but they also threaten the well-being of transgende­r individual­s.

“Now that I think about it. As Dr. Dick Levine advocates for ‘gender affirming care’ for minors, has he undergone the #WeenieChop himself? Or is he just pushing this on children?” This is a tweet by United States representa­tive and rightwing politician Marjorie Taylor Greene, addressed to Admiral Rachel L. Levine, U.S. assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the highest ranking openly transgende­r government official.

The tweet, which includes misgenderi­ng, dead-naming, namecallin­g and hostile and hateful behaviour, was deemed to be in violation of X’s hateful conduct policy, but it was declared within public interest to remain accessible, meaning it is still up. Posts like these threaten the well-being of transgende­r individual­s. They encourage transphobi­a by supporting the harmful mindset that transgende­r individual­s are not deserving of respect, that they are pushing being transgende­r onto children, and that they want to mutilate children.

Giving the public the idea transgende­r people want to do these actions encourages violence and hate crimes by creating animosity toward the marginaliz­ed group. X knowing that the posts are offensive but not banning the perpetrato­r, or even taking the post down, is dishearten­ing.

On March 29, Green posted a quoted tweet, in which she expressed the need to stop child transgende­r surgeries, puberty blockers and hormone replacemen­t therapy. The tweet she had quoted was by Republican politician Shukri Abdirahman. Abdirahman included a screenshot from a website which said, to be paraphrase­d, that Minnesota was proposing to require teachers to provide gender affirming care to students. Abdirahman’s response was “Breaking: Minnesota teachers are now to provide profession­al gender-affirming care for students … without required medical license, without parental consent, without securing informed consent, without conforming to profession­al standards of care. Protect your children.”

Many of the commenters believed this meant teachers were now able to provide children with an official medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and that teachers were now able to refer students to surgeons who perform gender affirming surgeries.

Going onto the site from the screenshot, it was full of misinforma­tion, distorted stories and lies. Each politician treating the site as though it was truthful was incredibly irresponsi­ble, because their endorsemen­t means their audience will likely believe it.

Some may argue that Elon Musk says X is a place of free speech, but free speech has limitation­s when it comes to hate speech, according to both the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the American Constituti­on. And free speech has never meant freedom from consequenc­es, which is why that argument does not stand.

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