The Hamilton Spectator

Receiversh­ips rise as projects stall

Developers have ‘seen such a rise in prices … they run out of money’


From one of Canada’s tallest condo towers to bare tracts of land, residentia­l developmen­t projects across the country are increasing­ly being pushed into receiversh­ip.

Elevated interest rates, constructi­on costs and delays, and a slower real estate market are all contributi­ng to the rising frequency of projects coming under financial stress, say experts.

“A year ago it was maybe a call a month, a call every two months, and now it’s a call a week,” said Mike Czestochow­ski, vice-chair with CBRE’s land services group.

Receiversh­ips are a way for secured lenders to have the court appoint someone to take control of the property and either liquidate it or otherwise maximize the value of the assets.

While often thought of as a last resort, CBRE has seen an increase in receiversh­ips as bigger constructi­on projects with multiple mortgages and parties involved start to run into trouble.

“These projects that are under constructi­on, they’ve seen such a rise in prices that they just, they run out of money,” said Lauren White, executive vice-president of the firm’s land services group.

That was the case in Kitchener, Ont., where creditors filed for receiversh­ip against the owners of the Elevate Condominiu­ms project, planned as four towers.

By the time the filing was made in October, constructi­on crews had already walked off the site, leaving it 80 per cent done but not weather sealed. A December report found that the owners had a mere $300 in the bank when the receiver order went through, and owe over $100 million.

Other projects aren’t getting that far.

Creditors on a planned 55-story condo tower in downtown Vancouver filed for receiversh­ip in mid-January, including BMO, which is seeking repayment of more than $82 million in loans.

Some projects run into trouble even after constructi­on is largely complete. Duca Financial Services Credit Union Ltd. filed an applicatio­n on Jan. 19 against a Mizrahi Inc. condo project at 128 Hazelton Ave. in Toronto, seeking repayment of its $16-million loan.

While the largest developers can generally still secure funding, smaller ones are finding it hard to get more money as the second-tier lenders they often rely on become more cautious, Czestochow­ski said.

“So as debt comes due, it’s a little bit more difficult.”

Ontario has seen the bulk of receiversh­ips in recent months, but over the past year, the process has been applied to everything from a historic bank building in Saint John, N.B., to a fire-plagued apartment in Winnipeg.

Highrises are especially seeing an increase, White said, given all the challenges these projects present, and the potential for delays.

“A lot of it comes down to mismanagem­ent, as to not realizing the length and complexiti­es of the developmen­t process,” she said.

The One, an 84-story building under constructi­on in Toronto that Mizrahi Inc. is also developing, is probably the most high-profile project to face receiversh­ip recently.

Filed in October, court documents showed the developer has $1.7 billion in debt and expects constructi­on to be finished more than two years late and more than $600 million over budget.

Other notable developmen­ts include creditors pushing in November to have receiversh­ips put in place on at least five projects by Vandyke Properties covering more than 1,700 units in the Greater Toronto Area, some already under constructi­on, with claimed debts topping $200 million.

Receiversh­ip is something available to secured creditors as a way to potentiall­y recoup their money when borrowers begin to default.

The focus of the process is to maximize the value, said Dan Wootton, a partner at Grant Thornton’s restructur­ing practice.

“Receiversh­ip is considered pretty extreme legal relief,” he said.

 ?? ARLYN MCADOREY THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? Court documents showed the developer of the One in Toronto has $1.7 billion in debt and expects constructi­on to be finished more than two years late and more than $600 million over budget.
ARLYN MCADOREY THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO Court documents showed the developer of the One in Toronto has $1.7 billion in debt and expects constructi­on to be finished more than two years late and more than $600 million over budget.

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