The Hamilton Spectator

Christmas competitio­n questions


3a. Look only at the North hand. South opens one spade. What would be your bidding plan?

Start with two no-trump, the Jacoby Forcing Raise. Partner will probably rebid four spades (a minimum with no short suit). You continue with five clubs, and if partner control-bids five diamonds, “sign off” in five spades, practicall­y screaming that you have no heart control.

3b. South opens one heart, you respond one spade (would you?), and South rebids one no-trump, showing 12-14 points. What would be your auction plan?

4. Look only at the East hand. The auction starts one heart on your right. Would you intervene with one spade?

Assuming you pass, South responds three hearts (game-invitation­al limit raise), and North ends the auction with four hearts. What would you lead? One spade is no bid of beauty, but everyone strains to introduce spades these days.

I am inclined to lead the spade jack. Yes, the diamond king could facilitate the defense, but it is more likely to save declarer from a guess.

5. Look only at the South hand. North opens one no-trump, 15-17 points. a. What would you respond? b. Would your answer change between a pair event and a team match?

In a pair event, pass. Don't look for game when your maximum combined count is 25. Here, though, you do have a five-card suit, so at internatio­nal match points, invite game.

6. Look only at the West hand. East opens one heart, and South overcalls two diamonds. What would you do?

Three hearts, preemptive. You show four hearts and a bad hand — perfect, of sorts!

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