The Hamilton Spectator

A crucial time to pay credit card debt


For Americans who lacked savings prior to the pandemic, financial stress is rising. A combinatio­n of inflation, increased interest rates, and the end of pandemic-tied relief, such as the moratorium on student loan payments, has led to record credit card debt, experts say.

In the third quarter of 2023, Americans held more than $1.05 trillion (U.S.) on their credit cards, and the average interest rate on a given credit card is now roughly 21.5 per cent, the highest it’s been since the Federal Reserve started tracking rates in 1994. A recent report from credit rating company Moody’s found credit card delinquenc­ies are now well above 2019, or pre-pandemic levels.

Silvio Tavares, president and CEO of VantageSco­re, one of the country’s two major credit scoring systems, said, “the reality is that there are starting to be some significan­t signs of stress,” despite consumers generally being in good financial health.

If you’re facing increased credit card debt, while feeling the ongoing effects of inflation, here’s what to consider:

Ask for a rate cut

One of the first things you should do is ask your credit card company to lower your rates.

While the Federal Reserve signalled last week that its first interest rate cut is likely months away, the average credit card interest rate is already far and away higher than the rate set by the Fed. Most companies offer promotiona­l rates and ways to move your balances to low or zero-interest cards, at least for the first year. These promotions can help keep debt from accumulati­ng.

That said, you may have to pay a balance transfer fee and pay the balance off before a given promotion window ends, or face additional interest.

What’s more, reports on bank industry sentiment show banks are becoming increasing­ly conservati­ve in which loans they give out, which means refinancin­g may be becoming more difficult.

Pay off higher-interest debt first

Known as the “avalanche approach,” paying off debt that accumulate­s interest more quickly will always be more efficient than paying off lower-interest debt first. This is the most financiall­y sound method of debt management.

Another way, known as the “snowball approach,” considers the psychologi­cal rewards of paying off small debts first, which can boost morale, before tackling larger debts. Some financial counsellor­s see this method as more motivating. Nonprofit credit counsellin­g can be found through the National Foundation for Credit Counseling at

Consolidat­e loans and lower your student loan payment

Wherever possible, counsellor­s also encourage consumers to consolidat­e loans, at fixed rates when available. The Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Advice guide for Getting Out of Debt can help you make a plan.

When it comes to student loan payments, also make sure all of those debts are consolidat­ed, and that you’re taking advantage of every way to lower that monthly cost.

The Public Service Loan Forgivenes­s program is one of several avenues for relief still available to many with student debt. Other sources for borrowers include: false certificat­ion, borrower defence, closed school, total/permanent disability discharges, and alternate repayment programs like incomedriv­en repayment.

Budget for inflation

Inflation is down from its peak, but the cost of many goods and services remains elevated: A loaf of bread that cost $1.54 in December 2020 cost $2.02 at the end of last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The median rent for a property with up to two bedrooms is up from $1,424 at the end of 2020 to $1,713 at the end of last year, according to

America Saves, a non-profit campaign by the Consumer Federation of America, offers guidance here.

Since the pandemic, some providers of monthly services have become more open to negotiatin­g bills — whether utilities, phone service, cable, internet, or auto insurance. Making these calls can lead to meaningful savings, according to Kia McCalliste­r-Young, director of America Saves. Call to ask for the lowest rate, available rebates and coupons, she advises. If a provider is competitiv­e with other companies, there’s an increased chance of getting a discount.

 ?? ELISE AMENDOLA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? A combinatio­n of inflation, increased interest rates, and the end of pandemic-tied relief, such as the moratorium on student loan payments, has led to record credit card debt, experts say.
ELISE AMENDOLA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO A combinatio­n of inflation, increased interest rates, and the end of pandemic-tied relief, such as the moratorium on student loan payments, has led to record credit card debt, experts say.

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