The Hamilton Spectator

Trapped in her home, Cape Breton mayor wept when snowplow arrived


The mayor of Cape Breton’s largest municipali­ty says she wept Tuesday night when a huge snowplow rumbled down her street in Sydney, N.S., where she had been trapped with her family since a weekend storm dumped 150 centimetre­s of snow on the community.

“My three-year-old ... was so excited,” Amanda McDougall said in an interview Wednesday, recalling the arrival of the plow. “It was palpable in the air how happy we all were.”

She said her top priority as mayor of the Cape Breton Regional Municipali­ty is bringing that sense of relief to residents who remain stuck behind massive snowdrifts that have buried cars, blocked sidewalks and clogged doorways.

For the third consecutiv­e day, schools and most government offices were closed across Cape Breton. City hall in Sydney was closed and transit service was suspended. As well, non-emergency health services were reduced across the island and in the eastern counties of Antigonish and Guysboroug­h on the Nova Scotia mainland.

The provincial government continued to urge Cape Breton residents, including the Eskasoni First Nation, to avoid unnecessar­y travel.

Meanwhile, there is so much snow covering Sydney that regular snowcleari­ng equipment is breaking down, which is partly why the area has remained under a local state of emergency since Sunday.

“Our machines are great for a typical snowfall, but they were ... struggling so hard through that heavy snow,” McDougall said. “Having these big machines come in from the federal government, Parks Canada and the (provincial) Transporta­tion Department, that’s the only way we’re going to dig out ... You can hear the hum of big machinery.”

In Sydney’s north end, an SPCA shelter was evacuated Wednesday after staff noticed the building’s ceiling beams were sagging under the weight of snow on the roof.

“We currently have 45 animals in the shelter and staff are taking care of them,” provincial CEO Elizabeth Murphy said in a statement. “Our shelter is showing the signs of age and wear. We cannot take this risk.”

Murphy said staff from an SPCA office in the Halifax area would pick up the 19 dogs, 25 cats and one rabbit and place them in other shelters across the province.

McDougall said Cape Bretoners were pulling together to get the job done, though a proper cleanup is days away. She pointed to a gaggle of young players with the Glace Bay Minor Hockey Associatio­n, who showed up on her street wearing their jerseys and toting shovels.

Earlier in the day, shovels were also handed to officer cadets at the nearby Canadian Coast Guard College. The cadets started shovelling near the college in the Westmount area on Monday, but 100 of them were expected to board school buses Wednesday to help vulnerable residents in other neighbourh­oods.

On Monday, federal Emergency Preparedne­ss Minister Harjit Sajjan said three coast guard helicopter­s would be made available to help with potential evacuation­s or to shuttle essential supplies.

The provincial government has said more than 1,000 people are working around the clock using about 400 pieces of equipment to clear snow across Nova Scotia.

Despite the transporta­tion problems in Cape Breton, McDougall said food and fuel supplies were in good shape, mainly because the Canso Causeway, which connects the island with the mainland, has remained clear.

 ?? DARREN CALABRESE THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? A person uses a snowblower to clear snow in Halifax on Monday. Many Nova Scotians have been digging out after a historic snowfall dropped as much as 150 cm of snow in some parts of the province.
DARREN CALABRESE THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO A person uses a snowblower to clear snow in Halifax on Monday. Many Nova Scotians have been digging out after a historic snowfall dropped as much as 150 cm of snow in some parts of the province.

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