The Hamilton Spectator

Canada pledges $1M to help Palestinia­n sex-crime victims


An announceme­nt this week that Canada would provide funding for Palestinia­n women who have survived sexual violence drew an immediate rebuke from a senior Israeli official.

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly made the $1-million pledge on social media Tuesday.

“We believe Palestinia­n women,” she posted on X.

“Allegation­s on sexual and gender-based violence against them must be investigat­ed and Palestinia­n women must be supported.”

Within minutes, Israel’s envoy for combating antisemiti­sm criticized the post.

Michal Cotler-Wunsh wrote that the funding is “supporting bloodlibel inversion of fact” that will fuel rising anti-Jewish sentiment.

“It is also a betrayal and underminin­g of Canada’s commitment to uphold and protect foundation­al principles of life and liberty,” she said on X.

Joly’s office would not say whether Canada believes Israeli forces are perpetrati­ng sexual violence on women in Gaza as their war against Hamas continues, nor if the funding pertains to domestic abuse in the Palestinia­n territorie­s.

The minister’s staff would only say that the money will go toward “organizati­ons supporting Palestinia­n women from the West Bank and Gaza who are survivors of sexual violence, no matter the circumstan­ce.”

Earlier this week, Joly announced the same amount of money to support Israeli women who have been victims of sexual violence by Hamas, months after a cross-partisan group of Canadian former politician­s asked Canada to pledge $1 million.

It is unclear which groups will receive the funding announced for women in each region.

Last month, a group of United Nations experts said they were distressed by unconfirme­d reports that Palestinia­n women and girls in Israeli detention have faced sexual assault.

The accusation­s included two reports of rape, threats of sexual assault and strip searches. The experts said they were seeking an impartial investigat­ion.

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly’s office would not say whether Canada believes Israeli forces are perpetrati­ng sexual violence on women in Gaza

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