The Hamilton Spectator

Supply management faces fresh criticism

Economists say current system stifles competitio­n, raising prices


There aren’t many issues that garner support across party lines in Ottawa these days.

But when it comes to the supply management system for egg, poultry and dairy products — the mechanism that sets prices for producers — all of Canada’s federal parties seem to see eye-to-eye.

Political support for the controvers­ial agricultur­al framework has endured, despite the country’s ongoing affordabil­ity crisis and critics who persistent­ly warn it’s Canadian consumers who pay the price.

As a result, Ryan Cardwell, an agricultur­al economics professor at the University of Manitoba, doesn’t put much stock in what elected officials have to say on the subject.

“On one hand, they talk about food affordabil­ity, and (on) the other hand, they have a government­sanctioned cartel in staple foods,” Cardwell said. “So, it’s talk. I don’t give it much credence.”

Canada’s supply management system sets prices for products and puts controls on production and imports to protect domestic farmers from foreign competitio­n, guard against price volatility for their products and stabilize production levels.

First introduced in the dairy industry in the 1960s before expanding into eggs and poultry, the system exists in lieu of subsidies.

Proponents argue the system is a win-win for producers and consumers alike: it offers stability and predictabi­lity in prices and production. But economists are often critical of the system because they say it stifles competitio­n. Economic theory suggests more competitio­n generally leads to lower prices.

The sharp rise in food prices post-pandemic has led to more scrutiny of grocery giants and raised concerns about a lack of competitio­n in the industry. All parties have had more to say on competitio­n since inflation took off in 2022.

Conservati­ves and New Democrats, for example, both opposed a proposed banking merger between Royal Bank and HSBC, arguing it would reduce competitio­n and lead to higher mortgage rates. But when it comes to sectors covered by supply management, concerns about weak competitio­n in the Canadian economy don’t seem to exist.

Former competitio­n commission­er Melanie Aitken is a forceful critic of supply management, which she described as a “sacred cow” in Ottawa. “If you want to take advantage of the opportunit­ies of trading with your global partners … you need to recognize that you can’t have these incredibly stultifyin­g protection­ist policies denying access to our markets,” she said.

From an affordabil­ity standpoint, Aitken said regulating prices hurts lower-income earners the most.

Bruce Muirhead, a history professor at the University of Waterloo, is a strong advocate for supply management who holds a research position funded by a lobby group for egg farmers. “There’s just this sort of implicit assumption, if it’s regulated … then it just can’t be competitiv­e. But that is absolutely not the case,” Muirhead said.

He argues the agricultur­al industry deserves to be approached differentl­y by government because it is responsibl­e for producing essential goods: food.

 ?? LANCE MCMILLAN TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO ?? First introduced in the dairy industry in the 1960s before expanding into eggs and poultry, the supply management system exists in lieu of government subsidies.
LANCE MCMILLAN TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO First introduced in the dairy industry in the 1960s before expanding into eggs and poultry, the supply management system exists in lieu of government subsidies.

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