The Hamilton Spectator

Lohan is back and embracing the rom-com genre

Actor’s latest film, ‘Irish Wish,’ is part of two-picture partnershi­p with Netflix


For many, Lindsay Lohan was part of a cultural phenomenon, starring in teen classics in the 2000s like “Freaky Friday,” “Mean Girls” and “Confession­s of a Teenage Drama Queen.” Now Lohan is in the midst of what many are calling “The Lohanaissa­nce.”

After a break from Hollywood, the New York-born actor — now a mother — has returned to the screen with a renewed interest in romantic comedies. She starred in the Netflix Christmas 2022 movie “Falling for Christmas” and now stars in another rom-com titled “Irish Wish.”

The film, now streaming on Netflix, follows book editor Maddie (Lohan), who puts her feelings aside when the love of her life gets engaged to her best friend. Days before the pair are to marry in Ireland, Maddie makes a spontaneou­s wish for true love and finds herself in an alternate reality where she wakes up as the bride-to-be. The film also stars Ed Speleers, Alexander Vlahos, Ayesha Curry, Elizabeth Tan and Jane Seymour.

For Lohan, this is a story of luck, love, confidence and, more importantl­y, self-love. Maddie’s journey resonated with the actor.

“I think it’s a journey that all of us go through at some point in our lives. So I’ve gone through that part of my life and I was really excited to play that out onscreen while playing Maddie,” she said in an interview.

“Irish Wish” is the first of her twopicture creative partnershi­p with Netflix. She will next star in another Christmas rom-com titled “Our Little Secret” alongside Kristin Chenoweth.

Being a cultural touchstone for many, Lohan is aware of her legacy with fans and will continue to deliver in the romantic comedy genre but also plans to challenge herself as an actor.

“I’m tough on myself, like once I finish a film I’m already ready for the next one and I always want a different kind of challenge. So I think the goals I’m setting are to just be open to other characters.

“Yes, I love doing rom-coms. I will always do rom-coms, but (would like) some other roles that are a bit more intense and really put myself through the wringer. That’s where I want to go at some point soon,” she said.

Canadian-American actor Ayesha Curry stars alongside Lohan as her best friend. The duo, who share a real-life friendship, also bonded offscreen: “We’re both homebodies. So she loves to cook and I love to eat. I love to cook and so it just works. A lot of movie nights and stuff like that,” said Lohan.

Curry and her NBA star husband, Stephen Curry, are also godparents to Lohan’s seven-month-old son, Luai, whom she shares with husband Bader Shammas.

Curry revealed in the joint interview with Lohan that she was a little star-struck on meeting her. “I didn’t think I would get as nervous as I got. I was so nervous I was shaking,” Curry said.

“I knew she was like a consummate profession­al, but I didn’t know how mesmerizin­g it would be on set … you can get lost in watching her perform a scene. Then you have to come back down to Earth and be like, ‘Oh wait, no, I have a job to do too. I can’t just stand here and stare.’ ”

Lohan, 36, said she knew Curry was “going to be great.”

“I think what surprised me is how well-balanced you were. You’re a mom of three kids, but you were able to handle yourself being far away from your family. How you handled yourself was incredible and so strong.”

What then is the recipe to a perfect rom-com? Curry believes it’s a lot of physical comedy. “Also, this magical love story, like that element of magic I think makes it really special. And then the girl bond. I think for a classic rom-com, that girl bond within the film is very important and this has that.”

Lohan, the quintessen­tial romcom star, agreed and added, “I think you just need a good sense of humour to come across in the film. I definitely think the dialogue is important for a great rom-com too, because you want certain lines that resonate with people and that can stand the test of time as well.”

The movie was filmed on location in Wicklow, Ireland. Lohan has an Irish grandfathe­r so she was excited to explore that part of her heritage. The actor also got to work with her younger brother, Dakota, in the film.

 ?? PATRICK REDMOND NETFLIX ?? In “Irish Wish,” Lindsay Lohan plays a book editor who puts her feelings aside when the love of her life gets engaged to her best friend.
PATRICK REDMOND NETFLIX In “Irish Wish,” Lindsay Lohan plays a book editor who puts her feelings aside when the love of her life gets engaged to her best friend.

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