The Hamilton Spectator

Italy raises security levels after concert hall attack in Russia

Follows in the footsteps of France in beefing up safety


Italy followed France on Monday in stepping up security following the attack on a suburban Moscow concert hall and the claim of responsibi­lity by an affiliate of the Islamic State group.

The attack renewed attention in Europe on the risk from the extremists, and particular­ly the Central Asian affiliate, as the continent gears up for big events such as the Paris Olympics and the European Championsh­ip in Germany.

France on Sunday increased its security alert posture to the highest level. In Italy, a national security council meeting Monday resulted in a decision to increase security around Holy Week observance­s leading up to Easter this weekend.

Both surveillan­ce and checks will be increased, “paying the most attention to the places of greatest aggregatio­n and transit of people, as well as sensitive targets,’’ the Italian Interior Ministry said. Pope Francis has a busy schedule of events in Rome and at the Vatican in the days leading up to Easter Sunday.

In Germany, Interior Ministry spokespers­on Cornelius Funke said the threat from Islamic extremists “remains acute” but authoritie­s’ risk assessment hasn’t changed so far as a result of the Moscow attack.

In Serbia, secret police officers with machine-guns patrolled the streets of Belgrade over the weekend. President Aleksandar Vucic said they and plaincloth­es police would monitor sports venues and shopping malls in the capital. The measure was criticized by Vucic’s opponents as unnecessar­y and designed to scare the population.

An affiliate of the Islamic State group known variously as ISIS-K, IS-K or ISPK claimed responsibi­lity for the Moscow attack, a claim that U.S. and other western officials have confirmed. The affiliate has repeatedly carried out attacks in Afghanista­n since the Taliban seized power in 2021.

It was behind the August 2021 suicide bombing at Kabul airport that left 13 American troops and about 170 Afghans dead during the U.S. withdrawal. It also claimed responsibi­lity for a bomb attack in Kerman, Iran, in January that killed 95 people at a memorial procession.

The attack renewed attention in Europe on the risk from the extremists

 ?? ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICH­ENKO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? People place flowers at a makeshift memorial in front of the Crocus City Hall on the western outskirts of Moscow on Monday.
ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICH­ENKO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS People place flowers at a makeshift memorial in front of the Crocus City Hall on the western outskirts of Moscow on Monday.

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