The Hamilton Spectator

Gushue falls short in bid to end title drought


It’s a story that has played out many times for Canada’s men’s curling team since its last world title.

A trip to the final, and a loss to Niklas Edin.

Edin won his seventh world title Sunday — a record for a skip — by leading Sweden to a close 6-5 win over Canada’s Brad Gushue and his team from St. John’s, N.L., in the final of this year’s world men’s curling championsh­ip.

“It feels indescriba­ble, and it feels so good after this week,” said Edin, who went 11-1 in the round-robin before winning both his playoff matches. “It felt like we played so well the whole week. Obviously, it was going to be a tough one (in the final).”

Canada won its last world title in 2017 when Gushue beat Edin 4-2 in the final in Edmonton.

Edin has won five of the past six world championsh­ips since then — there was no tournament in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic — with four of those victories coming over Canadian skips. Three have come against Gushue, with the other at the expense of Kevin Koe in 2019.

Gushue has now settled for silver in four of the six tournament­s since his championsh­ip, including the past three. In addition to his three losses to Edin, he was defeated 9-3 by Scotland’s Bruce Mouat in last year’s final in Ottawa.

“For the fourth time, silver sucks,” Gushue said. “To be second in the world, we have to be proud of what we did, but it’s just disappoint­ing.

“That’s four (final losses) in a row for me and I’m sure at some point down the road I’ll appreciate it more than I do now, but right now it’s tough to take.”

The teams entered the last end tied 5-5, with Edin having the last shot.

He made it count, scoring on a tough draw to give him the recordsett­ing title.

“We fought, made a lot of shots and we forced them to play a very, very difficult shot,” Gushue said. “I think that’s a shot you probably miss more than you make, to be honest. Credit to him, he made a great shot and no better way for him to win a world championsh­ip, but it kind of sucks for us.”

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