The Hamilton Spectator

Trump should try reading the book he’s flogging


It was probably no accident that Donald Trump chose Easter week to hawk his “God Bless America” Bible.

For $59.99 (U.S.), you too can own this so-called collectors’ item, which comes complete with copies of the Bill of Rights, the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce, the Pledge of Allegiance and the U.S. Constituti­on.

It is doubtful that Trump has read any of them. Certainly not the Bible.

Never mind that part of his pitch is, “All Americans need a Bible in their home, and I have many. It’s my favourite book.”

Maybe he likes the binding. Or maybe he has an illustrate­d version and looks at the pictures. I have artist Eric Gill’s “The Four Gospels.” It’s a truly magnificen­t book, and I love its illustrati­ons. I have also read its text and recommend that Trump do the same in one of his many Bibles.

He should at least read some of it, seeing that he has on more than one occasion failed to come up with a favourite verse from the Bible when asked to do so.

Mind you, during the 2016 campaign he told a group of students that it was “Two Corinthian­s 3:17. That’s the whole ball game. Is that the one you like?” Maybe his answer would have had more authentici­ty if he had referred to “Second” Corinthian­s?

Perhaps he should start by taking a look at Matthew 5:3-12, the Beatitudes.

Not, I expect, that he would agree with much that he finds there. Take, for example, the one about the meek inheriting the earth. Or the merciful being shown mercy. Or the peacemaker­s being called the children of God.

Can you really picture Trump buying into any of this? But he should at least have some idea of what he’s flogging to the public.

Certainly, many of his supporters do because they are indeed familiar with the contents of the Bible. Maybe even the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce or the lyrics to Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.,” which are also included in the God Bless America Bible. (Makes you wonder how there is any room left for scripture.)

I can’t get my head around what it is about Trump that attracts so many Christian evangelica­ls. I have known Christian evangelica­ls of whom I remain fond and greatly respect. I believe they would be appalled with what is happening now.

It certainly can’t be Trump’s lifestyle or his language that attracts them. Or his descriptio­n of fellow human beings as “animals poisoning the blood of America.”

Maybe it’s his sneakers they like. For $399, you can purchase a pair of Trump-endorsed Never Surrender gilded high-tops, with a flag of the United States adorning the collar and sock lining.

The midsole is white and the outsole red. They might look smashing on the pickleball court. Or walking the dog.

There is his Victory 47 cologne “encased in a luxurious gold bottle.” It has been described by American journalist Dean Obeidallah as “the cologne for the man who wants to smell like a cross between cheeseburg­ers and victimhood.”

They had better hurry. These, like so many Trump-endorsed products, may not be around for long.

Remember Trump Steaks? They only survived two months. Or Trump Vodka? Or Trump Ice? Or Trump Airlines? Or Trump University, where disgruntle­d students sued and won $25 million?

You can always find a Bible in a bedside table at your nearest motel. And, yes, it is meant to be taken.

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