The Hamilton Spectator

Extending our working hours to keep up appearance­s

Instead of chasing side hustles, North Americans could downsize their lifestyles


I’m sure you’re aware of all the side hustle evangelist­s online touting that everyone should have a side hustle, peddling their “side hustle formula” and “get-richquick” schemes.

They portray having a side hustle as a glamorous pursuit of ambition, masking the fundamenta­l motivator: additional income to keep up appearance­s.

Having said this, I can’t make this assertion without acknowledg­ing that the workplace has become an existentia­l nightmare.

AI, automation and robotics eliminatin­g jobs, social media’s emergence and CEOs creating headline-making layoffs every time the economy sneezes are partially fuelling the side hustle culture; however, these aren’t the primary reasons for the trend. The reason is the implied social contract of working 40 hours per week in exchange for enough money to live on.

Having a second, sometimes third job to make ends meet has always been common. However, our consumeris­m has dramatical­ly changed since the advent of the internet and social media. Today, our consumeris­m revolves around looking rich and impressing. What ends are those with a side hustle trying to meet? I’d say that most people who claim they have difficulty making ends meet prioritize having the latest iPhone, wearing designer clothes and living in a house larger than they need over being prudent with their money.

Most North Americans could downsize their lifestyle by half and live far more comfortabl­y than most worldwide. Contrary to our first-world lifestyle, characteri­zed by financial waste and its multitude of negative environmen­tal impacts, according to the World Bank Group, half of the global population lives on less than $6.85 (U.S.) a day. Westerners live a lifestyle most of the world’s population don’t come close to living.

Easy access to credit makes it possible to make $60,000 a year and appear, by your spending, to make $120,000 a year. However, credit requires interestbe­aring repayment. Instead of cutting back on using credit (read: downsizing your lifestyle), many start a side hustle to keep their facade of prosperity visible.

Most rich people are rich because they’ve adopted the habit of prioritizi­ng saving and investing before spending. (Paying yourself first, while not sexy, is stoic money management advice that, when followed, significan­tly benefits your financial health.)

Your only glimpse of the wealthy is how they spend money on things you wish you had. What’s unseen is most of their income going toward savings and investment­s. They only spend a portion of their income. Many people have a hard time managing their money because they copy the spending style of those with money, rather than how they earn and manage their money.

Many will cite that the side hustle culture offers an opportunit­y to “pursue one’s passion.” What does this even mean? Is making money from one’s passion a requiremen­t? A person who says they’re passionate about ceramics certainly doesn’t mean they’re passionate about spending several hours a week researchin­g social media trends, handling paperwork, and marketing their handmade pottery business.

Turning your hobby into a side hustle is turning your hobby into work. Furthermor­e, if the money generated from that work is to help finance keeping up appearance­s, is it still a work of passion?

We need three things to survive: food, water and protection from the elements (shelter and clothing). Everything else exists for comfort. The side hustle culture trend didn’t arise out of survival necessity, to make financial stability fashionabl­e or because people have become more ambitious. It emerged because someone saw they could profit from our fear of how others will judge our lifestyle and many others followed.

Ultimately, the side hustle culture reflects a broader societal problem: our obsession with appearance­s and materialis­m. Our pursuit of material wealth comes at the cost of being trapped in a cycle of consumeris­m, constantly chasing the latest trends and accruing debt.

Our respective finances and the environmen­t would greatly benefit from starting and embracing a new trend that celebrates contentmen­t and financial prudence over keeping up appearance­s. Let’s call it aligning your lifestyle with your income.

Turning your hobby into a side hustle is turning your hobby into work. Furthermor­e, if the money generated from that work is to help finance keeping up appearance­s, is it still a work of passion?

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