The Hamilton Spectator

Spending to tick up in back half of this year, Roots CEO expects


Roots Corp. executives say the back half of 2024 will likely see consumers edging back into purchasing discretion­ary goods they forewent as inflation and interest rates climbed.

“Interest rates are playing a big impact on consumer discretion­ary spending broadly. We saw that in the fourth quarter and we expect to continue to see that in the first half of the year,” Meghan Roach, chief executive of the Toronto-based apparel manufactur­er, said on a Wednesday call with analysts.

“Our expectatio­n, I think, consistent with the market’s expectatio­n, is that there should be some easing of that into the second half of the year, which should have a positive effect on consumer discretion­ary in general.”

Roach’s optimism around the consumer’s willingnes­s to spend comes as many feel the Bank of Canada will begin cutting its key lending rate in the coming months. Should the central bank make such a move, it would ease some of the financial pressures Canadians with hefty mortgage payments have been feeling. That would be welcome news for Roots and other retailers, which saw their sales come under pressure over the last year.

In its most recent quarter, Roots’ sales hit $108.2 million, down three per cent from $111.5 million a year earlier.

Despite buzzy collaborat­ions with Barbie and streetwear brand Clot, the fourth-quarter drop came as Roots said its direct-to-consumer sales, which includes its corporate retail stores and e-commerce sales, totalled $97.8 million, down from $98.5 million a year earlier.

Sales with its various partners totalled $10.5 million for the period ended Feb. 3, down from $12.9 million last year, because of a company decision to not continue business with a wholesale partner.

However, Roots said Wednesday its fourth-quarter profit rose to $14.6 million, up from $13 million a year earlier. That profit amounted to 36 cents per share, up from 31 cents per share a year earlier.

Its gross margin reached 58.6 per cent, up from 56.5 per cent a year earlier.

Roach considered the quarterly numbers a “solid performanc­e” despite the headwinds.

She conceded Roots had closed an unspecifie­d number of stores recently, but said the majority of affected locations were consolidat­ing and moving to larger locations.

Moving forward, Roach said Roots would be focused on improving the company’s product margins by reducing costs in many cases without hampering quality.

 ?? TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO ?? Roots Corp. CEO Meaghan Roach says a potential rate cut by the Bank of Canada this year will spur consumer spending on discretion­ary items. In its most recent quarter, Roots’ sales hit $108.2 million, down three per cent from $111.5 million a year earlier.
TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO Roots Corp. CEO Meaghan Roach says a potential rate cut by the Bank of Canada this year will spur consumer spending on discretion­ary items. In its most recent quarter, Roots’ sales hit $108.2 million, down three per cent from $111.5 million a year earlier.

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