The Hamilton Spectator

CEO defends layoffs as MPs accuse Bell of greed

Canada’s media ecosystem ‘is in crisis,’ Bibic says


As members of Parliament accuse Bell Canada of corporate greed, the head of the company is defending its decision to cut thousands of jobs, citing a shift in Canadians’ viewing habits away from traditiona­l TV.

Liberals, Conservati­ves and New Democrats grilled CEO Mirko Bibic during often combative exchanges at a meeting of the House of Commons heritage committee on Thursday afternoon.

Parliament­arians had ordered him to appear and answer for the cuts, which affect nine per cent of BCE Inc.’s workforce.

In February, the company announced it was cutting some 4,800 jobs, ending multiple television newscasts and selling off 45 of its 103 radio stations.

“The idea you saw fit to take substantia­l bonuses and equity packages at a time your workers, employees and journalist­s could have had their jobs saved is a bit disappoint­ing,” Liberal MP Taleeb Noormohame­d told Bibic.

“I think it’s important to think about Canadians, particular­ly those who subsidized your company for so long.”

Conservati­ve heritage critic Rachael Thomas said it’s “really rich” for a company worth $40 billion that received government subsidies to lay off its workers.

She accused Bibic of evading her questions, saying it made the CEO look “shady.”

“You have not been able to answer a single one of my questions directly today,” Thomas said.

Bibic defended his company, blaming factors like productivi­ty, inflation and delays in the implementa­tion of the federal Online Streaming Act — a new law meant to level the playing field between traditiona­l broadcaste­rs and streaming companies, under which Bell is benefiting from significan­t regulatory relief.

He told MPs that the media ecosystem in Canada “is in crisis.”

“The industry is in flux due to technologi­cal disruption, changing viewer habits, shifting advertiser demand and vigorous competitio­n from foreign web giants who are not subject to the same costly regulation­s as Canadian broadcaste­rs,” Bibic said.

 ?? JUSTIN TANG THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? BCE chief executive Mirko Bibic was criticized by a Liberal MP for taking “substantia­l bonuses” as the company laid off thousands of workers.
JUSTIN TANG THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO BCE chief executive Mirko Bibic was criticized by a Liberal MP for taking “substantia­l bonuses” as the company laid off thousands of workers.

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