The Hamilton Spectator

Poilievre must divulge plans


Re: It’s time for Poilievre to offer policy options (April 9)

I agree 100 per cent with Mark Bulgutch. Pierre Poilievre has offered no informatio­n. There are people who will vote for him without knowing any of his plans. He doesn’t offer any because that will leave them up for discussion. What programs will they be cutting? Who knows?

Many people don’t like Justin Trudeau and everyone is entitled to their opinions. But blaming him for everything is wrong. He did not cause inflation; it’s a global issue.

His addition of $10 daycare is helping people get back to work, therefore helping ease inflation. One of the programs Poilievre has said he would cancel.

And since we are blaming (Prime Minister) Trudeau for everything, let’s not forget why we have a carbon tax in Ontario. I’ll tell you why, because (Premier) Doug Ford came in and cancelled the cap and trade program. It was a highly successful program getting the polluters to pay, bringing in revenue to the province and encouragin­g polluters to clean up. Citizens did not pay, we got paid. So now we pay and get tax rebates to offset it.

Conservati­ve candidates didn’t show up for debates so they aren’t accountabl­e for things they may say. Time to change. Time for Poilievre to let us know how he will make things better. And while he’s at it, I would appreciate it if he stops saying our country is broken and unsafe. My Canada is not broken! His commercial­s are insulting.

Message your MPs and tell them you want to know how a Conservati­ve government will change things. And then decide if you can live with it. We have the right to know what we are voting for or against.

Mary Lacroix, Hamilton

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