The Hamilton Spectator

Hollywood Actors Leap Into Gaming


A stream of actors who built their careers in Hollywood are making their digital presence felt in video games, a once stigmatize­d medium that is increasing­ly seen as a unique storytelli­ng platform with the ability to reach large audiences.

Some are voice acting, transferri­ng skills they may have honed in animated movies or TV shows, while others are contributi­ng their likenesses through advanced motion-capture technology that can replicate furrowed brows and crinkled cheeks.

Last year, Cameron Monaghan led Star Wars Jedi: Survivor; Megan Fox portrayed a character in Mortal Kombat 1; and Idris Elba and Keanu Reeves provided the backbone of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.

In a remake of the 1992 horror game Alone in the Dark, both Jodie Comer, who won an Emmy for “Killing Eve” and a Tony for “Prima Facie,” and David Harbour, known for his work on “Stranger Things,” are making their video game debuts. They are among the group of actors meeting younger generation­s where they already are.

“I hope that people are still watching two-hour movies decades from now, but I know they will be playing video games,” Mr. Harbour said in an email.

In a behind-the-scenes video by the game’s publisher, Ms. Comer said that working on the movie “Free Guy,” set in a fictionali­zed video game, gave her a newfound appreciati­on of the industry. “It’s so incredible to be able to kind of step out of what you usually do and explore something new, and kind of challenge yourself,” she said.

In Alone in the Dark, Ms. Comer’s character and the private investigat­or she hires, played by Mr. Harbour, explore a psychiatri­c hospital to uncover the truth behind a recent disappeara­nce.

The migration to video games is happening because leaps in technology have reduced the disconnect between real-life and digital performanc­es.

Bringing in known actors enables studios to engage with people who might not be interested in their games.

“If you saw David Harbour and Jodie Comer were starring in a new ‘Alone in the Dark’ horror film, you’d probably go see it,” said Michael Csurics, the game’s casting and voice director.

A known presence can drasticall­y increase a game’s reach. For big-budget games, screen actors are a small vote of confidence. For indie games, they can be an all-or-nothing bet. “Having a celebrity definitely tilts the scales on a budget,” Mr. Csurics said.

Movie and TV actors who have crossed over into video games note the similariti­es of performing in either medium.

Karen Fukuhara joined the cast of The Callisto Protocol, a 2022 horror survival game, a few years after starring as Kimiko in “The Boys,” a satirical superhero series.

Ms. Fukuhara said that she had “imagined a video game casting to be like, OK, just act like you’re in a war zone or act like you’re shooting at someone,” but that she was surprised how much the experience “felt like a scene.” Ultimately, acting is acting. Mr. Harbour said that video games allowed for artistry, social commentary and emotional catharsis, and that he joined Alone in the Dark because it “seemed fertile soil for an imaginativ­e retelling and the opportunit­y to actually take a chance.”

 ?? THQ NORDIC; HEADSHOT VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Jodie Comer and her character in the remake of the 1992 horror game Alone in the Dark.
THQ NORDIC; HEADSHOT VIA GETTY IMAGES Jodie Comer and her character in the remake of the 1992 horror game Alone in the Dark.
 ?? CD PROJEKT; HEADSHOT VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Idris Elba and his character provide the backbone of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.
CD PROJEKT; HEADSHOT VIA ASSOCIATED PRESS Idris Elba and his character provide the backbone of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.
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