The Hamilton Spectator

Start an employee volunteer program


(MCC) A passion for volunteeri­ng is commendabl­e. Some individual­s are so excited about the prospects of giving back that they may want to recruit more people to help. Such individual­s may find that their place of employment is a great place to spearhead volunteer recruitmen­t efforts.

Companies are diverse, but they also tend to attract like-minded individual­s, which can make it easier to recruit potential volunteers. Business owners or human resources personnel looking to strengthen relationsh­ips among employees and give back to their communitie­s can consider beginning volunteer programs at work. Here are some tips to begin this journey.


It’s important to get the backing and approval of company leaders before starting a volunteer group. Since you may be using company resources and infringing on some company time, make sure that higher-ups are supportive. They also may be able to let organizers know whether a certain cause is complement­ary to the company mission or if it infringes on their mission. For example, a company that produces plastic products may not mesh with volunteer groups that have negative things to say about plastic products.


While national non-profits are worthy of support, employees may be more excited about partnering with local initiative­s. Human resource department­s or the employees who are starting volunteer programs at work can poll workers on which causes to stand behind. For example, a company that produces outdoor recreation clothing and equipment might want to support local efforts that focus on conservati­on in nearby parks. If a company has a strong stance on education, gear volunteeri­sm around providing supplies for students or improving technologi­cal resources in schools.


Reach out to employees and spell out the program’s mission during your recruitmen­t efforts. This may be a task that the human resources department can help with. If the company has a department that organizes employee engagement activities, then that group would be a valuable resource as well.

It’s also important to think about where volunteers may fit in. Assigning jobs and figuring out how many volunteers and man hours will be required to complete tasks can provide a greater sense of the scope of the venture.


It’s best to have ground rules about how much of the employer-supported volunteer work will occur after hours. Some companies may be amenable to having a certain pockets of time taken from the work day — such as establishi­ng Early Dismissal Fridays for volunteers. Employees can base their participat­ion on how it will affect their schedules.

Establishi­ng a volunteer program at work can be a great way to get involved and build strong relationsh­ips within the community.

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