The McLeod River Post

Riding update – Week of March 12, 2018


Special to the Post

As stated at the end of my last update, I took a week off in lieu of a winter vacation. Upon my return to the riding, I got right back to work. Over the week, I met with several constituen­ts throughout the riding, returned emails and phone calls, and participat­ed in meetings.

I spent Monday in my Edson office, where I answered emails and met with constituen­ts concerning issues in the riding.

On Tuesday, I had a meeting in Edson regarding Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline Project. After my meeting, I drove to Jasper where I participat­ed in the Jasper National Park Annual Forum, a public forum where the Park’s yearly report is discussed. This year, it was also an opportunit­y to ask Park staff about Jasper’s wildfire preparedne­ss and the spread of the mountain pine beetle.

On Wednesday, I stopped in Nordegg to meet with a constituen­t while on my way to Rocky Mountain House, where I spent some time in the office. After meeting with residents the following day, I drove to Drayton Valley for more meetings with constituen­ts and business leaders, and later returned to Edson. On Friday, I attended the Peers Play School Ukrainian Supper and Dessert Auction.

I will spend Saturday celebratin­g St. Patrick’s Day with friends and family before heading back to Ottawa on Sunday. The House of Commons will sit for two weeks before the Easter holiday. Look for my update next Friday on the happenings of Parliament. Jim Eglinski, MP – Yellowhead

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