The McLeod River Post

Hodge Podge Springing into action

- June McInnes by June McInnes

Now I don’t care if spring hasn’t officially been called yet, even though the calendar says so I’m calling it for me.

Our dog has started to shed hair like there’s no tomorrow and it’s everywhere, my vacuum cannot cope, and I spend hours picking up the white fluff off of everything.

My seeds have started to come up that I have in my windowsill and I feel he urge to clean house. What more could I ask for in signs and portents. It’s enough for me to have the excuse to pull everything out and clean it.

I’m not the kind of person who is obsessed with cleaning and it’s true I can take my fair share of muddles, but there comes a moment when I can no longer stand it and out it all goes, such was this morning and part of this afternoon. I do feel a little sore and weary for it body wise, but my soul is soaring, I feel better for it and I know it’s only a small victory, but I’m happy to have that victory.

Now, when I come out in the morning it won’t be cringewort­hy and I will be able to sit and look out the window as I wait for either the percolator or the kettle to do it’s thing.

I have my favourite crockery on display where it rightfully belongs. The children’s favourite mugs are accessible, and I can go to the drawer to get a teaspoon whenever I like instead of having to move the chair that was in front of it every time.

So, deep breath, shoulders back and now I cast my eye to whatever else is bothering me. My argument is if it makes you feel stressed to have all that stuff hanging around, you don’t need it, donate it, give it away or bin it.

We’re still unpacking boxes and I’ve long got to the point of why do I need this and why on earth did I pack this in the first place? So, we’ve been sharing the love and giving it away to the kids and anyone who we think might need something.

Tomorrow I have my eyes set on the boxes in the lounge, they have got to go, I don’t care if I bin the contents or what, they have to go. I’m done with manoeuvrin­g around them trying to give my husband his tea on a tray, tonight we shall dine at the table and walk, not cha, cha, cha to the settee. The kitchen is now tidy and has order, I can burn things to my hearts content now and have plenty of room to do it.

Like I said before, I’m not a really tidy person I have moments of utter chaos and mess and then boom, I clear house. I do feel better for it, it’s removed the pent-up stress I had inside. I couldn’t do this last week as I had a bad reaction to sunlight which gives me flu like symptoms, so I felt pretty crook. I was lying there in what felt like the pit of eternal stench feeling horrible and sad because I couldn’t do it. But watch out muddles, I’m back.

In the latter part of the afternoon I had help from one of our sons, Simon, a few years ago he made me a smashing spice rack and today it was fixed to the wall, it’s lovely to be able to use it again, plus it got rid of two big bowls of spices and herbs that were cluttering up my kitchen counter, marvellous.

So, I’m looking to make a difference again tomorrow, who says spring isn’t here yet?

Now, where’s the dog? I just found the dog clippers ........

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