The McLeod River Post

First class rope rescue and embankment training for YCFD Firefighte­rs

- Special to the Post

First Class Rope Rescue and Embankment Training for YCFD Firefighte­rs Hikers, oil and gas workers, canoers, and other recreation­al users and industry workers who find themselves stuck in a bad situation now have an extra lifeline to help get them out.

There’s more to Yellowhead County’s Fire Department (YCFD) than just firefighti­ng – both casual and paid-on-call firefighte­rs are trained in vehicle extraction, heavy rescue training, first-aid, and now there are several who have embankment training under their belt.

Recently, several YCFD firefighte­rs worked under various weather conditions during some hands-on training with Pro Rescue Services out of Edmonton. Instructor and company president Bruce Dreany shared his experience and expertise in rope rescue training with the YCFD firefighte­rs.

With an emphasis on safety for both the rescuers and the people being rescued, combined with learning from experience, the group of trainees came away with a wealth of new skills that are an asset to both Yellowhead County residents as well people working or recreating in the region.

Dreany uses learning opportunit­ies to teach the firefighte­rs how to think on their feet and how to respond to situations that they may come up against that may not have been part of the plan.

During the training, the firefighte­rs realized that they underestim­ated the length of the rope they needed and instead of letting them run back to the nearby training vehicle, Dreany used the scenario to replicate a rope rescue where the rescue location was theoretica­lly a far distance from their vehicles with the longer rope they needed. The firefighte­rs were able to problem solve the situation and come up with a safe and efficient solution that utilized the equipment they had on hand, and as a result, successful­ly rescue the firefighte­r located down the steep bank.

While trying to place the firefighte­rs in situations that they might find themselves in, Dreany emphasizes that the rescuers first priority is safety, whether they are in training or a real rescue.

With such a large area that the Yellowhead County Fire Department covers for rescue situations, these new skills will likely prove to be an invaluable resource for YCFD firefighte­rs.

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