The McLeod River Post

Hodge Podge Readying for autumn and Christmas

- by June McInnes June McInnes

I’ve started getting ready for Christmas, now I know some might say it ’ s too early, but we have a large family, so I need that extra time. That extra time ensures I can get to the finish line without having to fret about did I remember everyone, or can I finish this homemade gift in time. Some projects are more involved than others and take more attention, not to detail but to getting it finished.

Christmas is never a huge affair in our house, yes we have visitors and have fun, but we don’t go mad and spend all we’ve got, partly because we can’t, and partly because getting into extra debt and let’s face it, most of us have some kind of debt even if it’s only hire purchase, well the extra bit is not worth it. We make sure we have enough to eat and some pop for the kids a few cans of beer for dad and that’s it, a nice tree a good meal and some great company are perfect. Celebratin­g with your family and being thankful for what you do have is one of he best gifts you can have.

We’ve never gone berserk with over the top lavish things we’ve never been able to, you have to cut your cloth according to the measure they say, and they’re right ( whoever’ they’ are).

I’m not a summer person, this heat is killing me, I can’t wait for falling leaves and chilly nights, of clear cold moonlit skies and as I’ve said before wearing my most favourite cardigan, I miss him, he’s soft and comforting, warm and cozy, that’s what I miss in the summer, being cozy, to me that word conjures up a big comfy chair , soft socks, pyjamas and of course my beloved cardigan, cuddling up together and just relaxing in the evenings after a day of work, marvellous. In this heat all I want to do is stand in the shower with my clothes on, I can’t do my crafts so well as crochet or knitting tends to stick to your fingers a bit and the heat that your item makes when it rest sony our knees is legend, I can’t do it, so I try to do some in the early morning when it’s a little cooler and then as the heat grows I put whatever I’m working on away temporaril­y.

My garden took a hit last night, of hail. I’m wondering how much damage was done, my beans were just starting to produce and then bam a huge storm that thumped and banged, walloped and showed off for ages, bringing with it lightening and hail.

The power didn’t go off and I’m so glad because there would be no water until it did, and we drink a lot of water collective­ly. Still it was good, and we made it through the night.

Thank you, Mother Nature, for not cutting us off.

So, for part of today I’ll be tidying up my small garden and assessing the damage and trying to help any plants that are traumatize­d. I know they don’t have long left before the nights are too cold, but I would like them to come to fruit or seed for next years planting.

Later if it doesn’t heat up too much I have some delightful gifts to make that I’ve had in mind for a while then once they are done I’ll do some more of my largest projects which are about half way through now, progress indeed. Perhaps I will be ready in time this year with no last- minute rush.

Half of the amount of jams I’d like to make this year are done and I have the chilli jam to make next, only trouble with jam is the boys like to eat it , they love jam, I’d like to have some to go through the winter with but I’m not sure it will make it, but I’ll soldier on and keep trying, wish me luck I’m going to need it, jam sandwiches rule the world in our house.

Here’s hoping I can pull it all off. As always, be nice to one another.

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