The McLeod River Post

Teach for Canada’s biggest and most diverse cohort goes north


Teach For Canada’s biggest group of teachers ever are starting an intensive three-week program today to prepare for teaching in northern First Nations in September 2018. Originally from across Canada and countries as diverse as Siberia, Jamaica, the Philippine­s, and Nigeria, ranging in age from 22 to 73, and with an average of seven years of experience, this is Teach For Canada’s most diverse group of teachers to commit to 2+ years of teaching in the North.

Over the next three weeks, these teachers will be participat­ing in a program focused on First Nations histories, cultures, languages, culturally-responsive pedagogies, and outdoor education, as well as strategies for success in the North. This preparatio­n is specially designed in partnershi­p with Teach For Canada’s First Nations partners to ensure that teachers meet the needs of students in 18 fly-in and drive-in communitie­s in Northern Ontario.

In September 2018, 94 Teach For Canada teachers will be heading North for the first to the fourth time. Teach For Canada is proud that the percentage of teachers staying beyond the initial two-year commitment is growing every year.

Highlights from the 2018 Summer Enrichment Program:

• July 19: Contempora­ry Indigenous Challenges with Dr. Niigaan Sinclair.

• July 23: Teachers meet with members of the First Nation in which they will teach.

• July 24-28: Experienti­al learning trip to Big Grassy River First Nation (media welcome).

• August 3: Closing ceremony with special guests.

Note: A schedule of activities and workshops is attached. Most workshops are open to the media. Ojibwe, OjiCree, Cree, French, and English speakers are available for interviews.

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