The McLeod River Post

Hodge Podge Spring fever

- by June McInnes

With the snow finally retreating and more sunshine each day, it feels like spring is around the corner. I’m looking forward to seeing the sweet little green leaves that burst forth on our trees, the new leaves are an intense green, it makes me feel so happy just to watch them explode into a beautiful green sea of shining leaves that ebb and flow in the breeze.

I do enjoy the lighter evenings but I am most definitely not a fan of keep putting the clocks back and forward at different times of the year. I understand why it was first done, but surely we can stop doing it now?. It takes ages to re adjust but our pets, they just don’t understand , they either think we are feeding them early or depriving them of their dinner because we are feeding them later.

With as I said, the snow now retreating it brings the saga of weekly mowing the lawns we have, nice if you enjoy it, a chore if you don’t. I’ve mowed it a few times since we moved to this place, but it’s usually our son Simon whom the task befalls now. Up until three years ago, it was always me that did all the grass with the mower, I did have help from the boys when they lived at home, they were especially happy to strim the edges with the brush cutter we had. Now it’s just Simon as I can’t do it anymore without having a stroke. So thank you Simon for keeping it up together, I am very grateful.

The other task on the agenda is the sorting of the shed, every year it’s tidied at the start of fall and yet every spring it looks like we’ve had a family of wildebeest­s living in it all winter, just turning things out. It’s got to go I’m afraid. Nothing of any great value in there, just old broken stuff and we keep our trash bags in there, away, hopefully from any bears.

So, as soon as the rest of the ice has gone and I can just get to the shed I am going to take a nice big box of bin bags with me and just throw all the bits of rubbish away that has accumulate­d since last fall and flat pack any cardboard for recycling, take it all to the dump together, give it a good sweep out and just enjoy the new found space I have. Don’t forget if you are tidying like me to recycle your paper and card and any old paint must be taken to the recycling point for safe disposal.

It’s only days away I feel that I will be able to do that and I confess I am itching to do so. Maybe it’s the time of year or just the sunshine that makes me feel this way, a sort of spring fever, either way it makes for a productive day. I just throw something into my slow cooker or crock pot and work in the shed till its lunchtime, safe in the knowledge that there will be a hot home-cooked meal waiting for me when I am tired, all i will have to do is serve it up and enjoy it. Marvellous. Because if I am outside working for four hours I will be exhausted and not want to cook when I come in, so its a good solution for me, only one pot to wash and I can guarantee I will need a nap after, but at least I will have earned it.

So, look after yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask and above all, stay safe...

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June McInnes

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