The McLeod River Post

Alberta adds Zolgensma to drug coverage program


olgensma, a one-time gene therapy used to treat spinal muscular atrophy, will change the lives of eligible Alberta children as it is now part of the 5are Diseases Drug Coverage 3rogram.

Interim access to olgensma was provided by Alberta’s government from -anuary to -une while national drug review, approval and price negotiatio­n processes were being completed. The panCanadia­n 3harmaceut­ical Alliance subseTuent­ly reached a long-term pricing agreement with the manufactur­er in 2ctober.

“We are extremely pleased that a long-term agreement with the manufactur­er has been reached and we are now able to provide this life-changing treatment to Alberta children on a permanent basis. Treating spinal muscular atrophy early provides children with important developmen­tal support and the best possible health outcomes.” -ason Copping, Minister of ealth

“Muscular Dystrophy Canada is pleased this gene therapy will be offered to children in Alberta who are diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy. Through early diagnosis and treatment, we can give these children a better start and providing access to this therapy is an important part of that care.” 6tacey Lintern, CE2, Muscular Dystrophy Canada

Alberta’s government also provides coverage for the drug 6pinra a for patients with spinal muscular atrophy who meet the eligibilit­y criteria through the Alberta Drug Benefit List.

In addition, work is underway to pilot a newborn screening test for spinal muscular atrophy and subseTuent­ly incorporat­e the test into Alberta’s 1ewborn Metabolic 6creening 3rogram.

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