The Miracle

The month of SAFAR and misconcept­ions


Safar. Generally, people of sub-continent, take this month, especially , 13 days of safar as bad-omen. They don’t start up good works be it inaugraton of bussiness, or weddings. Remember that our deen is Islam which guides us about each and every aspect of life. We only can find these guide lines in Quraan and Sunnah (the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad). Get the truth about the month of Safar and know that there are no Superstiti­ons, bad omens, unfortunat­e, Calamities, Prohibitio­n of marriage related to this month. Safar literally means whistling of winds. This name was given because of the weather condition of that time. What events took place in the history of month of Safar? 1: The Beloved daughter of Prophet Muhammad (saw) Fatima (R.A) married Ali (R.A) in this month. 2: Prophet Muhammad fell sick in the end of this month and died in the same sickness in the next month in 12th of Rabiul-Awwal. 3: Ghazwa-e- Khaiber (battle) took place in the same month. 4: Battle of Abwaa also took place in month of Safar. What is the misconcept­ion about Safar? Unlucky happenings such as Diseases, curses, evils, loss in business and all the misfortune­s are relayed to that month. People try to apply many tricks to protect themselves from all the misfortune­s On one hand, bad lucks and omens have been associated with this month and on the other hand self made solutions for such things have been proposed as well, such as not holding marriages in this month, boiling chick peas and distributi­ng them so that the bad omens are passed on to others, making 365 balls of flour and throwing them in water so that bad omens are driven away and provision is increased, reciting Surah Muzammil 313 times, considerin­g this month to be ‘hard’ for the dead and considerin­g the 13th of this month referred to as ‘tairah teezi’ to be unlucky. These are nothing more than a misconcept­ion based upon the poor knowledge of Islam. No Muslim should fell into these conception­s which had no foundation­s on truth. What Quraan says about month of Safar? What comes to you of good is from Allah, but what comes to you of evil, [O man], is from yourself. And We have sent you, [O Muhammad], to the people as a messenger, and sufficient is Allah as Witness. (79 surah nisa)

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