The Miracle

Groups slam US states’ crackdown on Israel boycotts

- Source: Al-Jazeera

Rights groups and Palestine advocacy organisati­ons have blasted a Maryland executive order that bars state contracts for firms that boycott Israel as part of a “legislativ­e assault” that targets the Palestinia­n-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. On Monday, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan signed the executive order, which accuses firms that boycott Israel of posing “undue risks as contractin­g partners”. Surrounded by leaders of pro-Israel groups and Jewish organisati­ons, Hogan addressed a press conference after signing the order. “There is no place in our state for boycotts and threats,” he said, as reported by the Baltimore Sun. At the time of publicatio­n, Hogan’s office had not replied to Al Jazeera’s request for comment. Brian Hauss, a staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), described the governor’s order as “part of a legislativ­e assault we’ve seen over the past few years on the right to boycott”, citing a string of legal measures in states across the US. Speaking to Al Jazeera by telephone, he described the measure as “blatantly unconstitu­tional”, referring to the US Constituti­on’s First Amendment, which guarantees the freedom of expression. BDS is a global campaign that was launched in 2005 with the intent of holding Israel accountabl­e for violations of internatio­nal law and Palestinia­n human rights. Drawing from the anti-Apartheid struggle in South Africa, the movement calls for boycotting, divesting from and sanctionin­g Israel until it ends its decades-long occupation of Arab land, provides Palestinia­n citizens of Israel with full equality and allows Palestinia­n refugees to return to their homes. In recent years, the movement has grown in the US, particular­ly on university and college campuses. In response, pro-Israel organisati­ons have lobbied for measures that target students and state bills alike. Throughout the last two years, at least 22 states have passed laws or implemente­d executive orders that target BDS activism. “These laws are examples of the state leveraging financial resources to coerce people to move away from political movements the state does not favour,” Hauss said. “Whatever you think about the BDS movement, there is clear evidence of government viewpoint discrimina­tion,” he added. “That’s something that the First Amendment clearly prohibits.” Last week, Dickinson, a city in Texas, posted an applicatio­n for hurricane relief funds that mandated applicants to sign an agreement promising they will not boycott Israel. The city cited a Texas law that prohibits state agencies from contractin­g companies that boycott Israel. The move prompted widespread condemnati­on from rights groups, including the ACLU. In July, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper signed a law that prohibits state agencies from doing business with companies that engage in BDS. A month earlier, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed HB 2409, a similar law which requires both state-contracted individual­s and companies to provide a written certificat­e proclaimin­g that they are not participat­ing in a boycott of Israel. Earlier this month, the ACLU filed a federal lawsuit challengin­g the Kansas law on behalf of Esther Koontz, a public high school teacher who advocates a consumer boycott of Israeli products and internatio­nal goods produced in illegal Israeli settlement­s in occupied Palestinia­n territory. Jack Saltzberg, executive director of the Israel Group, an organisati­on that lobbies against BDS, argued that anti-BDS legislatio­n has “nothing to do with curbing free speech”. “It is generally legislatio­n that constricts government­al institutio­ns and beneficiar­ies from divesting from Israel, or at least following certain guidelines,” he told Al Jazeera. “Therefore, when passed by a state, students in that state’s universiti­es can freely say anything they want about Israel, or even vote to divest from Israel.” Rahul Saksena, a staff attorney at the US-based Palestine Legal, said that the wave of anti-BDS laws is designed to intimidate Palestine solidarity activists by creating a “chilling effect”. Speaking to Al Jazeera by telephone, Saksena explained that the host of laws and bills follow in the tradition of anti-Palestinia­n measures that have targeted student activists in recent years. Those measures include banning advocacy groups like Students for Justice in Palestine and suppressin­g pro-Palestinia­n protests and educationa­l activities. In May 2015, Canary Mission, a pro-Israel website, was created to track Palestine solidarity activists and dash their future employment prospects. Since 2015, however, pro-Israel advocacy organisati­ons have increasing­ly focused their efforts on supporting anti-BDS legislatio­n, according to Saksena. Most of the legislatio­n, he said, has enjoyed the support of both the Republican and Democratic parties. Saksena said efforts to stifle Palestine solidarity activism are evidence that pro-Israel organisati­ons are unable to make their case on moral grounds. “What’s behind [this] is an unwillingn­ess to confront the issue of Palestinia­n rights on its merits,” he said. “Instead, they want to silence the conversati­on.” He added: “Rather than engaging in the conversati­on and having a debate about human rights abuses and violations of internatio­nal law, they pour resources into pressuring universiti­es and lawmakers to shut down the conversati­on.” Earlier this year, the federal Israel Anti-Boycott Act - a bill that seeks to criminalis­e boycotting Israel - was introduced in both the US House of Representa­tives and the Senate. Signed by at least 100 civil society groups and human rights organisati­ons, a joint statement published in August called on Congressio­nal legislator­s to oppose the Israel AntiBoycot­t Act. Saksena said: “The problem is that boycotts for Palestinia­n rights, like all boycotts, are protected by constituti­onal rights.”

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