The Miracle

Anything Is within Your Reach!

- By: Shabnam Khan - Family Counsellor info:shabnam@skcounsell­

There is nothing that is difficult or easy but it is only our perception that maNes it looN so. Any worN seen as a whole may be threatenin­g but when di vided into parts becomes simple and easy. Instead of being da ed by the magnitude of the tasN start worNing and even if you do a little everyday within a short period of time you will be surprised by your achievemen­ts. The problem with many of us is that even at an initial stage we are baffled by the enormi ty of the tasN and give it up as an easy way escape. If we are sincere in undertaNin­g a Mob we would analyse ways and means of doing it. /acN of sincerity and erroneous perception often frightens us from under taNing any tasN. When we have strong will power the goal alone will remain constant in our memory and every challenge that comes our way will convert into an oppor tunity for achieving our obMective. As we are conditione­d by external influ ences both environmen­tal and individual sometimes some unfavorabl­e events hap pen on which we have no control. These unfavorabl­e events maNe a negative impact on our effects and may throw us into a de spondent mood. The best thing is to face situations worN out a strategy to get over difficulti­es and with will power go ahead with life. uch an approach to taNe on chal lenges is called character which is essential for achievemen­ts in life. What is important is your perception of things and situations. It is the faith in our ability to retrieve lost ground and the action we taNe which are two im portant things that maNes any achieve ment possible. ThinNing and planning are essential but without posi tive action all the time spent on planning would be wast ed. In the absence of strong will we easily get shattered by negative events that cross the paths of our endeavor. We must have absolute confidence in our selves and that alone will bring out our in ner strength. There is no point in asNing ourselves Will it be possible for me In stead of doubting your capability repeat the statement It is possible for me . Anything and (ve rything Is Within our 5each.

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