The Miracle

‘ Islam- Noah’s Ark re-landed’!

- By: Gulshan Alani

Today’s disastrous situation of Nature’s and man-made disasters takes us centuries back to analyze and ask why does it happen? For the answers we need to go to the Divine Scriptures that reveals the truth and gives genuine answers according to the ‘Divine Law’. The Divine Scriptures are blessings to mankind for the true ‘Guidance’ in all aspects of our lives, they are the Manuals to assemble our lives according to the Divine Law, like the Manuals to assemble the equipment, also the authentic Maps with the right direction to reach the right destinatio­n of ‘Milk & Honey’. With the right direction one gets on the right Caravan, like the ‘Noah’s Ark’. The Boat built by Prophet Noah (AS) to carry those who accepted his request of following the ‘Divine authority’. Quran: 11-25, 26: “WE sent Noah to his people with a mission: who said: “I have come to you with a clear warning: That you serve none but GOD”. Q.- 7-59:- “WE sent Noah to his people - he said: “O my people, worship GOD e have no other god but HIM. I fear for you the punishment of a dreadful day”. Since then many Prophets raised bringing the same order of Allah, and finally came ‘Islam’ as re-landed Noah’s Ark, that is filled by the obedient Believers of Creator. Mankind is fully aware of the tragedy of flood and the rescue Mission of Prophet Noah (AS) in pre-Islamic era, well described in the Holy Quran the final Revelation for mankind for the ‘Soul’ revival, explaining in details about the ‘Treasure’ of the Divine authority, introducin­g Prophets Moses (AS) Messiah Jesus (AS) and all the past Prophets and Messengers, all must be accepted by mankind. The Divine Revelation Quran revealed by final Universal Messenger Muhammad SAWS, brought to him by bAng el l Gabriel, bil proven authentic hi Word of GOD, by its many Scientific details that not even known by Scientists of that time. The Divine Revelation­s are normally given to the true Prophets by the Creator-Lord GOD to rescue the mankind from the disastrous situation. The Prophets do not come just to say Hi, and bye to us, but to fulfill their rescue mission for mankind who are fallen under the evil influence and have become the victims of the Satan -Iblis-Lucifer who whispers in the ears of innocent mankind like he whispered in the ears of P. H. Adam (AS), influencin­g him and his wife H. Eve-Hawa (RA) against the Creator of the Universe, to disobey HIM. Similarly, influencin­g the mankind with his treacherou­s sweet talk, manipulate­s with lies, becomes dominant, and rides the innocent mankind, who merely becomes the Donkey k f for the h d devil, il or the h obedient b di slaves. It is obvious that the Satan Iblis opposes to the Creator’s Guidance to enter the Kingdom of GOD, rejects HIS worship but promotes the human gods who are more famous with mounts of wealth collected by frauds in the name of GOD. The results of wrong worship are most devastatin­g, increasing the suffering of people.

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