The Miracle

This is How You Can Have a 10- Minute Morning Routine and Still Eat Breakfast

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R ecently, I shared with the world that I get ready for work in the morning in 10 minutes. If that shocks you, you can read the article. Among the many comments people had about my routine, many emphasized that I wasn’t eating breakfast— which is a totally fair statement considerin­g all the studies say just how important breakfast is for your productivi­ty. And I won’t lie, I don’t always eat breakfast, and I do suffer the consequenc­es (and as a result start my lunch at around 11 AM). But to maintain my super speedy routine and still get some food into my belly, I’ll often bring my breakfast to work. Sometimes that’s a Pop-Tart I toast in our office kitchen, sometimes it’s a bagel I pick up on the way, and sometimes it’s something I’ve prepped the night before and simply eat at my desk. I’m also not alone in this. Every morning I run into colleagues making avocado toast, microwavin­g oatmeal, or pouring out cereal right there in our office. Some bring it in on a day-to-day basis, and some leave their stuff at their desk or in our refrigerat­ors. Of course, I’m lucky to work at a company that provides us with utensils, appliances, milk, and basic condiments—and I know not every company has the same amenities. But as you can tell from my morning routine I like to keep things simple, and I’ve found many ways to make delicious office meals with limited resources, time, and budget. The point is: You can eat breakfast at work. It’s not a crazy concept, and it’s worth a reminder. In fact, to prove my point, here’s a list of stuff you can keep in your desk at work that suffice as a good-enough breakfast:

• Cereal (dry if you don’t have milk at the office)

• Granola bars

• Oatmeal (if you can make tea in your office, you can make this)

• Nuts and dried fruits

• Applesauce

• Peanut butter and crackers

Buy B some fruit that can sit on your desk (such as apples, bananas, and avocado) at the beginning of the week and you’ll be looking at better than a good-enough breakfast. Now, I’m not saying you have to do this— eating before work most definitely has its benefits, b and if I was more of a morning person I’d enjoy a balanced breakfast in the comfort of my home, too. But I am saying that, if you’re running late but need food to survive, s you can still get the most important meal of the day covered while in the office. And there’s nothing better than saving yourself an extra few minutes in the morning. Take it from me.

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